[Opensim-users] I se animation, my friend don't
InuYasha Meiji
inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 00:52:25 UTC 2012
HEHE ok, twist my arm then. I will get to it. Just making some last
finishing touches on an old Ryukyu Kingdom 16th-early 17th century home,
make a database backup, and OAR my regions and I can get to it. I have
been putting it off sine I installed and run 56 regions on a robust
server with 10 different Opensim instances. I think of all that work to
update, and I tend to procrastinate.
Thanks for the time,
On 9/6/2012 7:16 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> This might be the case but it's also possible that you are
> encountering a bug.
> I would recommend trying OpenSimulator 0.7.4 as it will contain
> various animation related fixes which may or may not have an impact on
> this issue.
> On 05/09/12 17:01, James Stallings II wrote:
>> The animation itself is taking much longer for her to load (if it is
>> getting loaded at all) than it does for you. It's
>> not a bug, it's just very disproportionate network speeds between the
>> two of you.
>> Cheers
>> James
>> On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:44 AM, InuYasha Meiji
>> <inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com <mailto:inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I have a question about a problem I didn't
>> realize that seems to be happening in Opensim 7.3.1.
>> I am not sure how to search for this in Mantis so I am asking
>> anyone if they have seen this issue. I don't have a
>> name for it to search for it.
>> I built a item that I am sure many cultures still use, but in my
>> case it is an ancient version used in China and
>> Ryukyu culture in and around the 16th century. It is the bambo
>> pole used to balence a couple of baskets over the
>> shoulder to carry heavy loads.
>> I placed a script inside that as soon as you atach the object to
>> the right hand it lifts the object to your right
>> shoulder with the baskets and their load using this pole to you
>> shoulder. It places the pole on your shoulder with
>> the baskets hanging downward from the pole down you about knee
>> level. From my view I see it perfectly and it works.
>> My friend who has logged on from Australia, don't seem to see
>> the animation at all. With my arms down at my sides
>> the baskets appear to float upside down and float.
>> To be sure I was clear to my friend and she was clear to me, we
>> exchanges images and we where both correct. Why
>> would she not see an animation and I do in this case. It is a
>> known bug?? We both use Firestorm the newest
>> release, and my grid is a 56 region grid using 7.3.1.
>> Is it possible a script error would make it so only the script
>> user sees the animation???
>> Help appreciated, dazed and confused.
>> InuYaha
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