[Opensim-users] I se animation, my friend don't

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 14:44:04 UTC 2012

Hello everyone, I have a question about  a problem I didn't realize that 
seems to be happening in Opensim 7.3.1.
I am not sure how to search for this in Mantis so I am asking anyone if 
they have seen this issue.  I don't have a name for it to search for it.

I built a item that I am sure many cultures still use, but in my case it 
is an ancient version used in China and Ryukyu culture in and around the 
16th century. It is the bambo pole used to balence a couple of baskets 
over the shoulder to carry heavy loads.

I placed a script inside that as soon as you atach the object to the 
right hand it lifts the object to your right shoulder with the baskets 
and their load using this pole to you shoulder.  It places the pole on 
your shoulder with the baskets hanging downward from the pole down you 
about knee level.  From my view I see it perfectly and it works.  My 
friend who has logged on from Australia, don't seem to see the animation 
at all.  With my arms down at my sides the baskets appear to float 
upside down and float.

To be sure I was clear to my friend and she was clear to me, we 
exchanges images and we where both correct.  Why would she not see an 
animation and I do in this case.  It is a known bug??  We both use 
Firestorm the newest release, and my grid is a 56 region grid using 7.3.1.

Is it possible a script error would make it so only the script user sees 
the animation???

Help appreciated, dazed and confused.

Opensim User: Standalone Grid on Version with 56 Regions
on Windows 7, 64-bit. Phenom 9500 2.2 GHz Quad Core, Terabyte Hard
Drive, 8gig DDR2 RAM.  Used XAMPP to load PHP Version 5.3.0, Apache
and MySQL 5.1.41-community edition.  Groups, Profiles, Voice and
Offline Messages all working. (Not yet Public, 6 users allowed Now).

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