[Opensim-users] Announcement of inventory tool (MyInventory), mostly of interest to grid operators/grid nauts

Marcus Llewellyn marcus.llewellyn at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 18:13:20 UTC 2012

On 11/18/2012 10:14 AM, Snowcrash Short wrote:
> I hope you are not implying that I have at any time illegally copied 
> content. 

No, I wasn't implying that. I was, perhaps, trying to impress on you 
that there are other ways in which to display a disregard for other 
people's rights and obligations, however. If you truly can't see outside 
of the "My Rights!" box, then, I find myself feeling deeply discouraged.

Let me try one last tack. It's not as though people here haven't known a 
tool like this is possible, or that there haven't been people capable of 
creating one. But there has been a largely unspoken agreement in the 
community that since OpenSim and the viewers it depends upon do not yet 
have the proper permissions or other facilities necessary to make such a 
tool safe for the majority of use cases, that it's best to shelve such 
projects until there are. This tacit agreement is a good faith effort 
that a member of the community in good standing acknowledges.

As it stands, you've so far presented a fait accompli, conceived and 
developed to this point without community input, with no real indication 
that you have any interest in solving the real issues that prevent at 
least some of the controversy associated with this sort of tool. An 
unbending insistence on making grid operators opt-in to content 
protection is not a good faith gesture. Not first taking steps to work 
with OpenSim core developers or TPVs to have at least some safeguards in 
place wasn't either. You seem to be treating such safeguards as 
trivialities or irrelevancies. I promise you that to many of us, they're 

Do I want a tool that lets me reliably backup my inventory without 
having console access? Yes. Oh, god yes! But I also want one that 
protects *my* reputation as a user, that I can use without fear of being 
labeled as an infringer. I say this as someone who does not own or 
operate a grid. As a user, I need to know I'm using a reputable tool 
that the community accepts. Would such a tool probably take more effort 
than the one you have now? Certainly. But with rights come 
responsibilities, one of which is the recognition of and support of 
other people's rights, even ones you may not be legally required to 
support. "I can," doesn't always mean you should. And "not illegal" 
doesn't always mean right. Other people matter. That's how I look at it, 

As I and others keep telling you, right now your tool isn't sounding 
like one I could use. That's unfortunate, because it could be, with more 
work, effort, and a willingness to accept the realities others besides 
yourself must live with. You can still do that.


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