[Opensim-users] opensim config files

R.Gunther rigun at rigutech.nl
Mon May 14 01:02:27 UTC 2012

Besides, you still can make your custom ini files.
Sofar i have only pulled the vivox out of the opensim.ini and placed 
that in its own ini.
And i dont see problems with some more settings.
But its also good to have for every region its own config, like its now.
That way you can adjust some settings if its needed for a region , 
without changeing all others.
I this case i would name OSSL scupts as example.

Other thing, you change first 1 ini file so the global settings are right.
and then duplicate that ini file and make the small adjustments for 
every region.
The amount of work is not so big as some think. especially if you use 
compare tool.

On 2012-05-14 01:44, Melanie wrote:
> There are valid cases where different services should use different
> modules, paths or addresses for the same thing. Combining those
> settings would block and disable a number of valid applications and
> make running a very large grid rather difficult. The configuration
> complexity allows unusual, experimental or special configurations
> that are needed in a number of cases. The ability to do this is by
> design and the more complicated configuration in the simple cases
> has been accepted as the price we pay to enable the more complex cases.
> Melanie
> On 14/05/2012 00:17, Serendipity Seraph wrote:
>> As opposed to what?  Well, to anything that doesn't require repeating the same value multiple times.  I don't know what that is but there has to be some such thing.    This form of config is cross platform and all if you have a parser for it (ConfigParser in python for instance) but it is being used to configure a C# application.   You could do it with the config layout as is  if that which parsed it used a standard way of referring to some other config variable value.  I can write something to automate this stuff for myself but I  wanted to know if there is anything afoot in this direction already.
>> - seren
>> On May 13, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Melanie wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 13/05/2012 10:36, Serendipity Seraph wrote:
>>>> Is there some way to get closer to obeying the DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle in the config files?  I see the same information (e.g. internet address) repeated over and over again.  This is a real pain when you need to change something and it is not at all obvious whether some of the repeats mean something different and should not be changed.    I guess it is a property of the old-school config file format.  But whatever, it makes configuration and especially changes to same messy and error-prone.  Any good way to help it?
>>> Old school, as opposed to what?
>>> Melanie
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