[Opensim-users] opensim config files

Serendipity Seraph sseraph at me.com
Sun May 13 22:17:31 UTC 2012

As opposed to what?  Well, to anything that doesn't require repeating the same value multiple times.  I don't know what that is but there has to be some such thing.    This form of config is cross platform and all if you have a parser for it (ConfigParser in python for instance) but it is being used to configure a C# application.   You could do it with the config layout as is  if that which parsed it used a standard way of referring to some other config variable value.  I can write something to automate this stuff for myself but I  wanted to know if there is anything afoot in this direction already.

- seren

On May 13, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Melanie wrote:

> Hi,
> On 13/05/2012 10:36, Serendipity Seraph wrote:
>> Is there some way to get closer to obeying the DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle in the config files?  I see the same information (e.g. internet address) repeated over and over again.  This is a real pain when you need to change something and it is not at all obvious whether some of the repeats mean something different and should not be changed.    I guess it is a property of the old-school config file format.  But whatever, it makes configuration and especially changes to same messy and error-prone.  Any good way to help it?
> Old school, as opposed to what?
> Melanie
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