[Opensim-users] Making a megaregion then going to tp to it ending up in one corner unble to move or tp
Fleep Tuque
fleep513 at gmail.com
Sat May 5 14:02:38 UTC 2012
I don't see an informational page about Megaregions on the Opensim wiki,
just one about how to set them up:
I'm not very experienced with Megaregions since I only played with one
briefly the first time I installed Diva Distro, but it seems like questions
about them are very common on the list. Perhaps someone who has a good
handle on all the quirks and differences between standard regions and
megaregions could try to document it better on the Opensim wiki so we can
refer folks to a better resource?
- Chris/Fleep
Chris M. Collins (SL/OS: Fleep Tuque)
Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (UCSIM)
UCIT Instructional & Research Computing
University of Cincinnati
406A Zimmer Hall
315 College Drive
PO BOX 210088
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
chris.collins at uc.edu
(513) 556-3018
On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:20 AM, James Stallings II <
james.stallings at gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually in recent months there have been some improvements. You should be
> able to teleport directly into the megaregion's non root regions, but you
> will arrive first in the root and then a second tp will be automagically
> invoked transporting one to one's selected destination. Additionally,
> landmarks referencing the (non-root) body of the megaregion work fine, as
> do similar homepoints.
> Cheers
> On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 7:36 AM, GarminKawaguichi <
> garmin.kawaguichi at magalaxie.com> wrote:
>> Do not worry, this is what normally happens with the Megaregion part of
>> OpenSimulator.
>> The first access to a new Megaregion is a little confusing (incomplete
>> program, many needed tweakings, many ToDo's etc. ...)
>> You have several ways to circumvent the problems of access
>> 1) Note and use only the name of the root of the Megaregion (leftmost,
>> bottommost)
>> 2) For the first login, put that name in the combobox "Start location" of
>> the viewer
>> 3) However, if you get stuck in a corner of the root, use the
>> "Double-click Teleport" from some viewers (Imprudence Preferences => Input
>> & Camera at the bottom) and double-click at the center of the root area
>> 4) For the Map, choose only the root region and ignore the other regions
>> (advice to Megaregion designers: givea real name tothe root only, for other
>> regions use names like "R1", "R2 "or "No teleport1", "No teleport2"etc.
>> 5) For Landmarks result is uncertain, and for the Hypergrid .... I did
>> not even tested it! 8:)
>> GCI
>> Le 05/05/2012 01:12, Todd Davis a écrit :
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Making a megaregion then going to tp to it ending up in one
>>> corner unble to move or tp
>>> From: Todd Davis<todddavis@**virtualrealmsgrid.com<todddavis at virtualrealmsgrid.com>
>>> >
>>> okay what am I doing wrong here.. I followed instructions on opensim
>>> website. Change opensim.ini and made the region.ini per instructions.
>>> there was no errors on console when I started the instance. But when I
>>> tped to the mega-region I ended up in one corner of one of the regions
>>> unable to move or tp. Not sure why? help.. ;p
>>> Thanks,
>>> Todd
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