[Opensim-users] Diva distro vs. OpenSim release 0.7.3 in SaHg mode

Ovi Chris Rouly maelzel at ieee.org
Sun Mar 18 22:51:25 UTC 2012

Hi Diva,

I have been using the compiled OpenSim software downloads for over three years.  Now, thanks to your hard work and innovation I can also work exclusively and effectively in Standalone-Hypergrid configuration (AKA "serverless grid").  For hardware optimization reasons, I choose to run multiple OpenSim instances all on the same box.  And, each OpenSim instance in turn, runs multiple regions.  In total, I have 256 contiguous (adjcent) regions that form a 4x4 sq km Sim.  Again, thank your for developing the SaHg mode technology so expertly.  It is making my PhD research possible.

Unfortunately, while working with OpenSim 0.7.2 I had no trouble TP'ing between OpenSim instances nor, obviously, between regions.  Moreover, I was able to see the entire map of my Sim within my SL1.23 viewer and could see into the adjacent Sims/regions anywhere where there were two, three, or four regions "touching" each other - even if they were in different OpenSim instances.

I confess, I'm having trouble upgrading to 0.7.3 and I'm asking for your advice.  I've noticed your "diva distribution" uses two Config-Include files while the main OpenSim 0.7.3 downloads for the same Standalone-Hypergrid functionality uses three.  This difference and the fact that while using the current OpenSim source downloads for 0.7.3 compiled into a newbie/MySQL install, i.e., no special settings for XEngine, Wind/Sun, Physics, etc., I have been unable to replicate the performance of 0.7.2.  That is, no TP'ing between regions and no seeing into adjacent Sims/regions.

Did anyone build a 0.7.3 "serverless grid" similar to my setup (even with just two OpenSim instance each with one region) before the OpenSim source was released?  Or, perhaps, is there someone in the user's group who has two or more OpenSim-website-downloaded SaHg Sims working that can say for certain they can TP between Sims and see into/across Sim/region boundaries.

I'm frustrated, can you offer some advice?  Justin and the rest of the entire Dev team has done such great work.  And I am eager to try out the new 64-bit physics opportunities delivered in 0.7.3 in my Sim.  But for now, I'm stuck.

Best regards,

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Diva Canto 
  To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de 
  Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2012 10:18 AM
  Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Hypergate not working in Opensim 0.7.3, diva-r18222-b ?

  oh man. This release is full of hickups. This was the result of an undocumented configuration change. I fixed the release notes for 0.7.3, and made a new d2 release diva-r18222-c with that fixed. Hopefully, third time is the charm.

  The fix is very easy, you don't need to download the new package again. Just edit config-include/DivaPreferences.ini and in the
  [GridService] section add
  HypergridLinker = true

  That's all I did for the -c package.

  Thanks for reporting.


  On 3/4/2012 3:34 AM, Fokides Aegean wrote: 
    Hi all (again)

    After upgrading toi diva-r18222-b, hypergate and blamgate stopped functioning (teleports using landmarks to external regions seem to work properly though).

    The error(s) when I use Hypergate

    2012-03-04 12:25:42,607 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker [HYPERGRID LINKER]: Link to hg.osgrid.org:80 Vue-3200, in 16830-0

    2012-03-04 12:25:42,609 WARN  - OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker [HYPERGRID LINKER]: Please set this grid's Gatekeeper's address in [GridService]!

    2012-03-04 12:25:42,612 ERROR - OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.LLUDPServer [LLUDPSERVER]: Client packet handler for e4ae7548-fc60-4a01-9c40-e3a3ee92e87a for packet MapNameRequest threw an exception

    2012-03-04 12:25:42,615 ERROR - OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.LLUDPServer Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryCreateLink(UUID scopeID, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, String remoteRegionName, UInt32 externalPort, String externalHostName, String serverURI, UUID ownerID, GridRegion& regInfo, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryCreateLink(UUID scopeID, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, String remoteRegionName, UInt32 externalPort, String externalHostName, UUID ownerID, GridRegion& regInfo, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryLinkRegionToCoords(UUID scopeID, String mapName, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, UUID ownerID, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryLinkRegionToCoords(UUID scopeID, String mapName, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.LinkRegion(UUID scopeID, String regionDescriptor)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.GridService.GetHypergridRegionByName(UUID scopeID, String name)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.GridService.GetRegionsByName(UUID scopeID, String name, Int32 maxNumber)

       at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid.LocalGridServicesConnector.GetRegionsByName(UUID scopeID, String name, Int32 maxNumber)

       at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.World.WorldMap.MapSearchModule.OnMapNameRequest(IClientAPI remoteClient, String mapName, UInt32 flags)

       at OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.LLClientView.HandleMapNameRequest(IClientAPI sender, Packet Pack)

       at OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.LLClientView.ProcessPacketMethod(Packet packet)

       at OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.LLClientView.ProcessInPacket(Packet packet)

       at OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.LindenUDP.LLUDPServer.ProcessInPacket(Object state)

    The error(s) when I use Blamgate

    2012-03-04 12:27:43,671 DEBUG - OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker [HYPERGRID LINKER]: Link to sanctuary.homelinux.org:8012 Eld, in 27666-0

    2012-03-04 12:27:43,673 WARN  - OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker [HYPERGRID LINKER]: Please set this grid's Gatekeeper's address in [GridService]!

    2012-03-04 12:27:43,677 ERROR - OpenSim.Framework.Util [UTIL]: Continuing after async_call_method thread terminated with exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryCreateLink(UUID scopeID, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, String remoteRegionName, UInt32 externalPort, String externalHostName, String serverURI, UUID ownerID, GridRegion& regInfo, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryCreateLink(UUID scopeID, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, String remoteRegionName, UInt32 externalPort, String externalHostName, UUID ownerID, GridRegion& regInfo, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryLinkRegionToCoords(UUID scopeID, String mapName, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, UUID ownerID, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.TryLinkRegionToCoords(UUID scopeID, String mapName, Int32 xloc, Int32 yloc, String& reason)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.HypergridLinker.LinkRegion(UUID scopeID, String regionDescriptor)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.GridService.GetHypergridRegionByName(UUID scopeID, String name)

       at OpenSim.Services.GridService.GridService.GetRegionByName(UUID scopeID, String name)

       at OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.ServiceConnectorsOut.Grid.LocalGridServicesConnector.GetRegionByName(UUID scopeID, String regionName)

       at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene.RequestTeleportLocation(IClientAPI remoteClient, String regionName, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookat, UInt32 teleportFlags)

       at OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api.OSSL_Api.<>c__DisplayClass4.<TeleportAgent>b__0(Object o)

       at OpenSim.Framework.Util.<>c__DisplayClass6.<FireAndForget>b__1(Object o)

    In Myworld.ini file I have made changes suggested in http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Installing_and_Running_Hypergrid#Configuration_for_OpenSimulator_0.7.3 (mainly removed /profile in some parameters) and it looks like:


        ; SmartThreadPool is reported to work well on Mono/Linux, but 

        ; UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem has been benchmarked with better

        ; performance on .NET/Windows

        async_call_method = UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem

        ; recommended: false for mono / true for Windows

        use_async_when_possible = true


        ; ### Set the password (again)

    ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=78559;"


        http_listener_port = 9000


    Region_Fokides_1 = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion"

        Gatekeeper = ""


        ProfileServerURI = ""

    HomeURI = ""


        ProfileServerURI = ""

    HomeURI = ""


        ProfileServerURI = ""

        HomeURI = ""

    Gatekeeper = ""

    ; OutboundPermission = False


        gridname = "Fokides"


        Gatekeeper = ""


        WelcomeMessage = "Welcome to Fokides!"

        GatekeeperURI = ""

        SRV_HomeURI = ""    

        SRV_InventoryServerURI = ""

        SRV_AssetServerURI = ""

        SRV_ProfileServerURI = ""

        SRV_FriendsServerURI = ""

        SRV_IMServerURI = ""

        ;; For Viewer 2

        MapTileURL = ""


        ExternalName = ""

        AllowTeleportsToAnyRegion = true


        login =

        gridname = "Fokides"

        gridnick = "fokides"

        welcome =

        register =

        password =


        GridName = "Fokides"

        LoginURL = ""

        WebAddress = ""


    What am I doing wrong?

    Am I supposed to use my external or the internal ip address?

    Should I or shoud I not remove /profile in the parameters?

    Should I make changes to other files as well? 

    Thanks in advance for your replies




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