[Opensim-users] User interface for children using opensim

Dr Ramesh Ramloll r.ramloll at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 20:50:23 UTC 2012

I recall some time back, on this list, there was mention of children
doing activities in opensim environments. I was wondering which
viewers were being used.
Were the viewers in basic mode? Are there Second Life viewers out
there that have a really minimal UI, if yes, which one? Is it possible
to reduce the
number of visible user interface elements simply by deleting entries
from xml files in the skinning directory for the Second Life viewer?
Last question, any recommendations for Opensim specific viewers that
may be leverage some of its strengths better?
p.s. please pardon the noobness of my questions, I am really very new
to opensim and was wondering if some of the new elements of opensim is
viewers that cater to its specific needs.

'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
Rameshsharma Ramloll PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate
Research Associate Professor, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID
83209 Tel: 208-240-0040
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