[Opensim-users] MapItemRequestThread errors

Sarge Misfit fubat.enterprises at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 16:20:17 UTC 2012

I don't seem to have a OpenSim.cs file. Yes, I looked in each folder.

Won't setting the config to WARN from DEBUG make ALL errors as warnings?
What if there's an actually serious problem??

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 8:04 AM, GarminKawaguichi <
garmin.kawaguichi at magalaxie.com> wrote:

> When the simulator includes overloaded regions (especially scripts)
> messages "Watchdog Timeout" are so numerous that the console window is all
> red. It's the same during a debug step by step of the simulator.
> As workaround: in OpenSim.cs around line 144 I replace"
> m_log.ErrorFormat("by "m_log.DebugFormat(" ;  in OpenSim.exe.config I set
> "<level value="WARN" />"for the console.
> Le 04/06/2012 14:37, Sarge Misfit a écrit :
>  I am seeing red error messages as follows:
>> ERROR - OpenSim.OpenSim [WATCHDOG]: Timeout detected for thread
>> "MapItemRequestThread (Workshop)". ThreadState=Background. Last tick was
>> 5835ms ago
>> I don't think this is anything to worry about as this is my offline
>> standalone, so I am the only user and don't need the Map, but I would like
>> to fix this anyway.
>> Sarge
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