[Opensim-users] Cannont teleport back home to grid issue: 5134

Shaun Erickson ste at smxy.org
Thu Jan 26 21:43:28 UTC 2012

You must, in your configuration files, either use all IP addresses only or all FQDNs only. No lookup is done and the values are simple compared. If using FQDNs, make sure you use the same exact case everywhere, as well.


On Jan 26, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Rick Anderson <rianders at docs.rutgers.edu> wrote:

> I think I found the problem comparison:
> Verifying against http://rugrid.rutgers.edu:8002
> The IP addresses are the same but the comparison does not include a DNS lookup.
> rugrid.rutgers.edu ==
> --Rick
> Here's the complete log of what happens:
> 19:30:10 - [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Request to get hyperlink region
> 6edb4e46-82b7-454d-be53-dc6909389013
> 19:30:10 - [HOME AGENT HANDLER]: Unauthorized machine
> tried to set client ip to
> 19:30:10 - [AGENTCIRCUITDATA]:
> agentid=ac397397-e69b-42b4-ac65-767951d8aacf, child=True,
> startpos=<128, 128, 30.53734>
> 19:30:10 - [AGENTCIRCUITDATA]: unpacked appearance
> 19:30:10 - [USER AGENT SERVICE]: Request to login user Rick.Anderson
> @rugrid.rutgers.edu (@stored IP) to grid
> 19:30:10 - [USER AGENT SERVICE]: this grid:
> http://rugrid.rutgers.edu:8002/, desired grid:
> 19:30:10 - [AGENTCIRCUITDATA]:
> agentid=ac397397-e69b-42b4-ac65-767951d8aacf, child=True,
> startpos=<128, 128, 30.53734>
> 19:30:10 - [AGENTCIRCUITDATA]: unpacked appearance
> 19:30:10 - [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Login request for Rick.Anderson
> @rugrid.rutgers.edu @ http://rugrid.rutgers.edu:8002/
> (ac397397-e69b-42b4-ac65-767951d8aacf) at JumpNexus0 using viewer
> Second Life Release, channel Second Life Release, IP
>, Mac 3bb974300b81b292f953727e3cf33574, Id0
> 6468c4a3c3a6f5fa9e55986a1017e0f0
> 19:30:10 - [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Verifying
> against http://rugrid.rutgers.edu:8002
> 19:30:10 - [GATEKEEPER SERVICE]: Unable to verify identity of agent
> Rick.Anderson @rugrid.rutgers.edu. Refusing service.
> 19:30:10 - [USER AGENT SERVICE]: Unable to login user Rick.Anderson
> @rugrid.rutgers.edu to grid, reason:
> Unable to verify identity
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Rick Anderson
> <rianders at docs.rutgers.edu> wrote:
>> For the error you're experience what is the external ip set to? I had
>> problems in the past because the viewer doesn't do DNS lookup, the
>> server basically gives the ip to the client. So I was giving the world
>> a private non routable IP instead of the public one.
>> --Rick
>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Fleep Tuque <fleep513 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if this is related to the same problem I have, basically I
>>> can't HG teleport to or from my own grid from inside my home network.  That
>>> is, if I log into the viewer on the server machine (static IP), I can HG
>>> jump just fine, but if I log into a different PC in my home network (main
>>> desktop) and try to HG jump, it fails.  Same if I log into another HG
>>> enabled grid from my desktop and try to HG jump back to FleepGrid, it fails.
>>>  For the longest time I thought my HG was broken but others can jump to and
>>> from FleepGrid with no problem, so it seems it's related to the internal IP
>>> address of my desktop being different than the external IP address seen by
>>> the destination machine (or vice versa).
>>> It's extremely annoying and frustrating and the last time I asked about it,
>>> it didn't seem like there was any solution. :(
>>> - Chris/Fleep
>>> Chris M. Collins (SL/OS: Fleep Tuque)
>>> Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (UCSIM)
>>> UCIT Instructional & Research Computing
>>> University of Cincinnati
>>> 406A Zimmer Hall
>>> 315 College Drive
>>> PO BOX 210088
>>> Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
>>> chris.collins at uc.edu
>>> (513) 556-3018
>>> http://ucsim.uc.edu
>>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Rick Anderson <rianders at docs.rutgers.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm running 0.7.2 post fixes, and I have a user who cannot get back to
>>>> the rugrid via teleport. The symptoms are similar to issue 5134:
>>>> http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=5134
>>>> [HOME AGENT HANDLER]: Unauthorized machine tried to set
>>>> client ip to
>>>> Is there a work around?
>>>> --Rick
>>>> --
>>>> Rick Anderson
>>>> Director of Virtual Worlds
>>>> Division of Continuing Studies (DoCS)
>>>> Rutgers University
>>>> (732) 586-3265
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>> --
>> Rick Anderson
>> Director of Virtual Worlds
>> Division of Continuing Studies (DoCS)
>> Rutgers University
>> (732) 586-3265
> -- 
> Rick Anderson
> Director of Virtual Worlds
> Division of Continuing Studies (DoCS)
> Rutgers University
> (732) 586-3265
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