[Opensim-users] Marketplace like web site for standalones.

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 20:01:17 UTC 2012

I might be hoping for more then what is out there right now.  But I 
stumbled across the http://hgexchange.com/market/ great for those using 
m$ and hypergrid.  I was wondering if there might be something in the 
works for people running a small multi regional at home standalone grid.

So that shops in world can send items directly to a person in one of the 
regions a item directly from a web site,.  I am running windows 7 64bit, 
with mysql and Apache.  Any ideas or if it is feasible for a standalone?

Always a friend,

Opensim User: Standalone Grid on Version 0.7.2 with 49 Regions
on Windows 7, 64-bit. Phenom 9500 2.2 ghz Quad Core, Terabyte Hard
Drive, 8gig DDR2 RAM.  Used XAMPP to load PHP Version 5.3.0, Apache
and MySQL 5.1.41-community edition.

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