[Opensim-users] Playing a series of animations back to back to create a long one
Marcus Llewellyn
marcus.llewellyn at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 12:00:10 UTC 2012
It occurs to me that a possible workaround would be to use an
invisible/hidden NPC or bot that was within range. Just have it cycle
though and play the animations before the initial actual performance.
I'm guessing it wouldn't even need to play completely through any single
animation, but just start and then stop each in semi- rapid succession.
This should cause any viewer nearby to download and cache the animation.
I wouldn't call this ideal... you can hide the NPC, but not it's nametag
or the fact that it'll show up on people's radars, and it isn't
something I've actually tried myself.
1/16/2012 3:46 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> I was curious about this topic so I did do a quick google "animation
> delay second life"
> From the look of [1], it seems that this is an unresolved problem with
> Second Life in general, unless some other animation preload function
> has been implemented in the meantime.
> My purely hypothetical guess is that the viewer is told the animation
> reference ID and only then loads it from the simulator if it doesn't
> have it, resulting in the delay.
> On 13/01/12 17:19, Dr Ramesh Ramloll wrote:
>> Hey there, since we are on the topic of AOs, I thought I could just
>> drop this question. When I try to play a series of
>> animations one after the other to create a long one (potentially
>> without any time limits), during the first pass ...
>> there are jumps between the individual animation segments. Is there
>> some kind of hack to preload animations so that when
>> they do get played the first, the whole animation seems fluid. Things
>> do work perfectly fine after the first pass
>> though... but for users, it must annoying ... for machinima makers,
>> it's ok, we can ignore the silliness to happen
>> during the first pass and then record during the second one ...any
>> ideas/thoughts?
>> --
>> 'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
>> *Rameshsharma Ramloll* PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate
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