[Opensim-users] Phoenix Viewer hangs at "Waiting for Region handshake"

Kenneth stretchgargan at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 19:14:29 UTC 2012

On 08/01/2012 19:12, Vanish wrote:
> You need to set the correct URI for the loginservice, assetservice, 
> etc. in OpenSim.ini. Currently it's still set to localhost (
>> Hi,
>> I've installed OpenSim version 0.7.2 on an Amazon EC2 instance (Linux 
>> with Mono 2.10.2). The machine has TCP port 9000 open.
>> Amazon EC2 virtual machines run behind a NAT gateway, so I edit the 
>> Regions.ini file as follows:
>>> [Main Island]
>>> RegionUUID = 7d69b9dc-0cda-47f5-8f84-df925c96b3ee
>>> Location = "1000,1000"
>>> InternalAddress = ""
>>> InternalPort = 9000
>>> AllowAlternatePorts = False
>>> ExternalHostName = "ec2-46-51-xxx-xxx.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com"
>> (External hostname changed for privacy).
>> I then launch it using:
>>> cd /opt/OpenSim/current/bin/
>>> mono --debug OpenSim.exe
>> The server starts up, and I can begin to login from an external IP 
>> using Phoenix Viewer
>> However, the login never completes. It hangs at "Waiting for Region 
>> handshake".
>> The output in the OpenSim console is:
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Login request for Stretch Resident at 
>>> last using viewer Phoenix Viewer Release Mesh, channel 
>>> Phoenix Viewer Release Mesh, IP aa.bb.cc.dd, (ie my client's IP) Mac 
>>> d8301f01b2628de041aaf7f8725184f4, Id0 8d97035b4b25cd9c199076d79989b3ca
>>> 18:37:31 - [PRESENCE SERVICE]: LoginAgent 
>>> 8d4bbba1-198b-4c9e-a1d0-c2854db8401a with session 
>>> d9eac461-ac31-4f6a-9c7b-8bb92e2c0608 and ssession 
>>> 62c09669-55b0-42c7-bd10-b860b69d342d
>>> 18:37:31 - [GRID USER SERVICE]: User 
>>> 8d4bbba1-198b-4c9e-a1d0-c2854db8401a is online
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLOGIN SERVICE]: FindDestination for start location last
>>> 18:37:31 - [GRID SERVICE]: GetDefaultRegions returning 0 regions
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLOGIN SERVICE]: Last Region Not Found Attempting to 
>>> find random region
>>> 18:37:31 - [GRID SERVICE]: Fallback returned 0 regions
>>> 18:37:31 - [GRID SERVICE]: Hyperlinks returned 0 regions
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLLOGIN SERVICE]: found new key HomeURI 
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLLOGIN SERVICE]: found new key InventoryServerURI 
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLLOGIN SERVICE]: found new key AssetServerURI 
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLLOGIN SERVICE]: found new key ProfileServerURI 
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLLOGIN SERVICE]: found new key FriendsServerURI 
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLLOGIN SERVICE]: found new key IMServerURI 
>>> 18:37:31 - [LOCAL SIMULATION CONNECTOR]: Found region Main Island to 
>>> send SendCreateChildAgent
>>> 18:37:31 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Main Island told of incoming 
>>> root agent Stretch Resident 8d4bbba1-198b-4c9e-a1d0-c2854db8401a 
>>> (circuit code 200990915, teleportflags 128)
>>> 18:37:31 - [CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Main Island authenticated and 
>>> authorized incoming root agent Stretch Resident 
>>> 8d4bbba1-198b-4c9e-a1d0-c2854db8401a (circuit code 200990915)
>>> 18:37:31 - [CAPS]: Registered seed capability 
>>> /CAPS/390ce6a7-e446-4fbc-b365-faf80f496b650000/ for 
>>> 8d4bbba1-198b-4c9e-a1d0-c2854db8401a
>>> 18:37:31 - [LLOGIN SERVICE]: All clear. Sending login response to 
>>> client.
>>> 18:37:32 - [SCENE]: Incoming client Stretch Resident in region Main 
>>> Island via regular login. Client IP verification not performed.
>> That's all I get. Eventually the Phoenix viewer says: "We're having 
>> trouble connecting. There may be a problem with your internet 
>> connection or the Second Life servers."
>> Running a tcpdump on the client shows it sending, at the end:
>>> POST /CAPS/EQG/e0c5a989-69b3-4baa-82ec-efa2248471e2/ HTTP/1.1
>>> Host: ec2-46-51-xx-xx.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:9000
>>> Accept: */*
>>> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
>>> X-SecondLife-UDP-Listen-Port: 60426
>>> Content-Type: application/llsd+xml
>>> Content-Length: 83
>>> <llsd><map><key>ack</key><undef 
>>> /><key>done</key><boolean>0</boolean></map></llsd>
>> And the server responding:
>>> HTTP/1.0 502 Upstream error:
>>> Content-Type: text/plain
>>> Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2012 18:47:04 GMT
>>> Content-Length: 16
>>> Server: Tiny WebServer
>>> Connection: close
>>> Upstream error:
>> Any ideas what's going wrong?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Kenneth.
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Thanks very much for the quick reply!
I'll try that soon!


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