[Opensim-users] Crash on collision
Klaus-E. Klingner
klingner at silverday.de
Mon Jan 2 22:02:55 UTC 2012
BTW in V 07.0.2 the problem wasn't there. I tried to replace the old
libode from 0.7.2 with the ones from the old version, but Opensim would
no longer start. So I assume something has changed with the physics
from one version to another.
On 02.01.2012 22:51, Klaus-E. Klingner wrote:
> Hallo,
> thanks, Justin, for the tip. I tried it, but it did not help. Still
> getting the ODE-crash (in addition one of the regions doesn't load for
> some strange reason, with bullet it loads again :/):
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
> what(): std::bad_alloc
> Stacktrace:
> at (wrapper managed-to-native) Ode.NET.d.Collide
> (intptr,intptr,int,Ode.NET.d/ContactGeom[],int) <0xffffffff>
> at OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.OdeScene.near
> (intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x0054f>
> at (wrapper native-to-managed)
> OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.OdeScene.near (intptr,intptr,intptr)
> <0xffffffff>
> at (wrapper managed-to-native) Ode.NET.d.SpaceCollide2
> (intptr,intptr,intptr,Ode.NET.d/NearCallback) <0xffffffff>
> at OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.OdeScene.collision_optimized
> (single) <0x0052f>
> at OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin.OdeScene.Simulate (single)
> <0x00c1f>
> at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.SceneGraph.UpdatePhysics (double)
> <0x00046>
> at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene.Update () <0x00627>
> at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene.Heartbeat () <0x00047>
> at System.Threading.Thread.StartUnsafe () <0x00071>
> at (wrapper runtime-invoke) object.runtime_invoke_void__this__
> (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>
> Native stacktrace:
> mono() [0x494e01]
> /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0xf2d0) [0x7fcec95552d0]
> /lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35) [0x7fcec920bab5]
> /lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0x186) [0x7fcec920cfb6]
> /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(_ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv+0x11d)
> [0x7fce8838ca9d]
> /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0xbccb6) [0x7fce8838acb6]
> /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0xbcce3) [0x7fce8838ace3]
> /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0xbcdee) [0x7fce8838adee]
> /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(_Znwm+0x7d) [0x7fce8838b1fd]
> /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(_Znam+0x9) [0x7fce8838b2b9]
> /opt/opensim/diva-r16915/bin/libode-x86_64.so(_ZN13dxHeightfield20allocateHeightBufferEmm+0x54)
> [0x7fce88619f74]
> /opt/opensim/diva-r16915/bin/libode-x86_64.so(_ZN13dxHeightfield23dCollideHeightfieldZoneEiiiiP6dxGeomiiP12dContactGeomi+0x1b0)
> [0x7fce8861a690]
> /opt/opensim/diva-r16915/bin/libode-x86_64.so(_Z19dCollideHeightfieldP6dxGeomS0_iP12dContactGeomi+0x23a)
> [0x7fce8861b81a]
> [0x41aeafc1]
> Debug info from gdb:
> =================================================================
> Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
> a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
> used by your application.
> =================================================================
> Regards,
> Klaus
> On 02.01.2012 21:50, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>> Please see [1] and [2] for more information on these ODE crashes.
>> Essentially, we've narrowed it down to a problem using the default
>> ODE collider with more than 1 region. Stress tests with 20 bots
>> constantly teleporting around one region (or between two simulators
>> in a grid each running 1 region) do not trigger the ODE crash even
>> after many hours.
>> The same stress test with 20 bots teleporting between two regions on
>> the same system, even where the regions are 10 map spaces apart,
>> always triggers the collider crash sooner or later. Sometimes this
>> occurs almost immediately, sometimes only after an hour or so.
>> Compiling ODE with the older collider (GIMPACT instead of OPCODE)
>> doesn't see this crash.
>> My chief suspicion is that there's actually an ODE/collider memory
>> freeing bug. I suspect that it's not very usual to run more than one
>> physics 'world' in a program (in OpenSimulator, each region runs its
>> own world). It could also be a problem with OpenSim's P/Invoke
>> interface to ODE causing collision objects to be freed at the wrong
>> time, but I'm currently discounting that because we don't see the
>> same failure with two simulators each with a single region, and ODE
>> scenes at the OpenSim level are entirely separate, even though they
>> aren't in the ODE library itself.
>> [1] contains a link in the comments to an ODE Linux 64 bit library I
>> compiled using the GIMPACT collider, if you're running that platform
>> and want to try it. This will work on any recent version of OpenSim
>> (probably even 0.6.9).
>> Using a linux distro version of ode probably won't fix this problem
>> as I expect they will have compiled it using OPCODE. OpenSimulator
>> only every uses the ODE library bundled in its bin directory, unless
>> you start symlinking or similar.
>> [1] http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=3251
>> [2] http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=4553
>> On 01/01/12 20:23, Klaus-E. Klingner wrote:
>>> Hallo,
>>> Thanks for the tip. But I am not using any mesh in my sim :(
>>> Basically I am using the DIVA because of the wifi, but think I will
>>> switch once the new GUI is done, that was written
>>> about here on the list. Do not have time to write one myself atm.
>>> Regards,
>>> Klaus
>>> On 01.01.2012 14:38, M.E. Verhagen wrote:
>>>> Happy new year !
>>>> One other thing what seems to trigger ode crashes seem to faulty
>>>> meshes, you can reconize these from opensim log lines
>>>> like:
>>>> 10:49:19 - [MESH]: no recognized physics mesh found in mesh asset
>>>> 11:06:40 - [MESH]: asset data is zero length
>>>> 06:40 - [MESH]: experimental mesh proxy generation for
>>>> defaultMesh/9af57c73-8ef4-42f1-9415-46e8491213cd
>>>> Try to find these inworld and delete them. On my box the ode
>>>> crashes were less fequent after deleting those.
>>>> The case with the libode is that it does not seem to be compatible
>>>> with some systems luckely most system already have
>>>> a libode in their repo why not use that libode ?
>>>> I am using a git version, not the diva. Could be that some recent
>>>> updates on the odescene also prevent some crashes.
>>>> Op zaterdag 31 december 2011 schreef Klaus-E. Klingner
>>>> (klingner at silverday.de <mailto:klingner at silverday.de>) het
>>>> volgende:
>>>> > <sigh> I have to correct myself. The world just crashed again
>>>> with exactly the same error :(
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards,
>>>> >
>>>> > Klaus
>>>> >
>>>> > On 31.12.2011 18:19, Klaus-E. Klingner wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hallo,
>>>> >
>>>> > thank you for the tip. However it did not fix the problem :/ I
>>>> still got the same crash. However I noticed that the
>>>> ode-file in the physics folder of DIVA is different from the one in
>>>> the original OpenSim 0.72-download. I copied that
>>>> over, started the world and that seems to have done the trick. Now
>>>> I just have to figure out a way to one of the sims
>>>> that suddenly disappeared :/
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards and a happy and a happy new year,
>>>> >
>>>> > Klaus
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Additional remark:
>>>> >
>>>> > To install the libode on SuSe you have to add the
>>>> OpenSuSE-Gamerepository with
>>>> >
>>>> > zypper addrepo
>>>> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/games/openSUSE_11.4/
>>>> opensuse-games-x86_64
>>>> >
>>>> > and then install libode using
>>>> >
>>>> > zypper install libode1
>>>> >
>>>> > On 31.12.2011 16:57, M.E. Verhagen wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I had the same sort of ode crashes, i installed ode on my system
>>>> with 'yum install ode' and deleted the libode.so
>>>> from the opensim bin dir, after wich i simlinked the lib to make
>>>> sure opensim uses it. I also downloaded
>>>> https://github.com/downloads/justincc/opensim/libode.so-x86_64.so,
>>>> and the crashes stopped.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On suse this would something like these commands:
>>>> >
>>>> > yum install libode
>>>> >
>>>> > cd /opt/opensim/diva-r16915/bin
>>>> >
>>>> > wget
>>>> https://github.com/downloads/justincc/opensim/libode.so-x86_64.so
>>>> >
>>>> > rm libode.so
>>>> >
>>>> > rm libode-x86_64.so
>>>> >
>>>> > mv libode.so-x86_64.so <http://libode.so-x86_64.so> libode-x86_64.so
>>>> >
>>>> > ln /usr/lib64/libode.so.1.1.1 libode.so
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I am not sure if there is a libode.so.1.1.1, it could named
>>>> differently, but just symlink it.
>>>> > In theory the symlink is not needed, but it cannot hurt.
>>>> >
>>>> >
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