[Opensim-users] Teleports to other region sometimes fail?

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 2 19:57:52 UTC 2012

r/17676 is very recent (30-Dec).  Is this a recent problem?  It would be very interesting to know if the behaviour 
changed after commit 469955889ed5499ed1dbb8fcc224d6912c651d06.

And I presume this is osgrid?

On 02/01/12 06:36, Chris wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am having a strange issue with teleporting to other regions. Occasionally when ever I try to teleport (whether it's a
> region crossing, teleport via map, or accepting tplure from another avatar) the teleport will never complete.
>  From what I have noticed, an incomplete teleport will be characterized by either the TP progress screen will either
> never complete and go away (forcing a relog); or it will take a really long time to time out then be returned to the
> region I was attempting to TP from and some (or all) of my attachments will be missing and unable to reattach until relog.
> If attempting a region cross, the incomplete teleport will be noticed by the avatar walking/running/flying off into the
> distance infinitely, and will be forced to relog.
> I didn't notice any errors in the console. I do notice that if the teleport does not complete it will not attempt to
> load any scripts the attachments may contain.
> Script states will also occasionally be cleared out on teleport whether tp is successful or not.
> Is anyone else having this issue and is there a fix for it? I am running r17676
> Thanks!
> Console output:
> 00:06:08 - [ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent mewtwo0641 Alito to 1001-1000 run
> ning version SIMULATION/0.1
> 00:06:09 - [LOCAL SIMULATION CONNECTOR]: Found region Test Region 2 110061113965
> 9776 to send AgentUpdate
> 00:06:09 - [SCENE]: Incoming child agent update for 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a
> 8527e3e2 in Test Region 2
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 014d8040-ac93-4d44-bcbf-341d6ea75ce
> c, inworld asset id a95bc638-336f-493b-8ea0-16acd060879a
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <1.097586E-09, 0.07768758, -5.898499E-10>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 1401f501-96ef-48eb-a9cb-4e7654a5658
> b, inworld asset id 786b6008-0212-46b8-87bc-d6eabc8fea8f
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.06921, 0, 0.040769>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 4614a500-1d44-4b70-85e7-a1e0adb78e5
> e, inworld asset id 21748709-b088-498a-97e0-e3ce6d0e8a9f
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.08357777, -0.0009133071, -0.0004721889>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 62554bfe-78fe-4b0a-9e62-b43c8e68124
> 0, inworld asset id d1108645-c573-41cb-98c1-ef8ae8e06e50
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0, 0, 0>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 74990623-3f1e-4781-9a08-90f20764678
> 3, inworld asset id f4f7d9b2-61a5-4ac7-81ff-d11c642ce418
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.0567, 0.0579, 0.1064>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 7ea3a421-cfe9-43e6-b441-f0c92454c71
> 6, inworld asset id fde4b831-e7bc-4c7a-b853-8673727617b2
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0.0005, 0.0038, -0.0215>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 84eeffd6-43bb-4ca4-8145-14ddc042227
> 3, inworld asset id ef5eb9ac-b27b-4f2c-8d41-5886883769e9
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.09546616, 3.864238E-10, 2.645508E-09>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment 8828240f-cf15-438e-9694-c212a4c7def
> 6, inworld asset id ecdb7190-5d13-4ab5-b79e-64f9c28dd0e6
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.0567, -0.0579, 0.1064>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment b09ea88d-8359-4ba5-9d73-96a4ac478a8
> 5, inworld asset id 7b0136b1-900d-491d-8315-3cc6f633e2c4
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <1.491224E-11, -0.07316594, -3.096983E-10>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment ba0db81e-aec0-48d0-baf6-c8e50622273
> 3, inworld asset id e36003df-9d4b-4bfe-b0c2-f953738bd39f
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0.01953944, 0.007730848, -0.03570046>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment c905352a-3249-4904-ac69-a921c783dba
> 7, inworld asset id f1206001-ab02-4b91-9c0c-5240f8f43d9d
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0, 0, 0>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment c9a80ef6-93cb-4500-9593-5a74f65301d
> 4, inworld asset id 88b7788f-5d77-491e-9334-0b021e5e003f
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0.05592674, 0.0002268362, -0.03850368>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment d118324d-8f72-46bb-aef3-2e1d0b302af
> d, inworld asset id 99016042-8e27-4391-8a60-c30671b9d357
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0, -0.0900206, -0.1144547>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment d4b3da72-6554-4a0d-813d-9e8512602ee
> 4, inworld asset id 84261ab5-4215-48dc-aefc-16e1c3cd5bae
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.066665, 0, 0.049093>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment e512c79c-ea7b-41df-ba87-715486b18a4
> 8, inworld asset id acd9db34-6e03-4134-b5b3-444f19944603
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0, 0.06970888, 0.1382979>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment ebb11264-a1fa-4ecd-a79a-d65b2a5c4ab
> 7, inworld asset id d298a41f-db7f-405b-b315-0b08451e10a8
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <0.01913717, 0.007295324, -0.03769049>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment ef2525ba-bced-4822-afad-a0a84bbe20a
> 9, inworld asset id 0e051b5c-24a9-471f-8c9d-685b4b089b51
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.000589621, 0.305723, -0.07440926>
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Received attachment fbd56eba-252a-466b-ba5a-9f903d7b4b7
> f, inworld asset id fff418ba-b140-4c4c-a6dd-7d50df5c5b69
> 00:06:09 - [ATTACHMENT]: Attach to avatar 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 a
> t position <-0.09748615, 0, 0.177889>
> 00:06:09 - [ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url http://192.168.1.
> 100:9000/CAPS/07549b02-20ec-47d4-96e3-92d24d2a4f420000/ to client 3557bf78-5e34-
> 4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2
> 00:06:09 - [SCENE PRESENCE]: Making mewtwo0641 Alito a child agent in Test Region 3
> 00:06:09 - [SCENE PRESENCE]: Closing child agents. Checking 7 regions in Test Re
> gion 3
> 00:06:09 - [SCENE PRESENCE]: Closing 1 child agents
> 00:06:09 - [INTERGRID]: Sending close agent 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2
> to region at 1001-1002
> 00:06:09 - [ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent mewtwo0641 Alito completed.
> 00:07:19 - [CLIENT]: Got a logout request for mewtwo0641 Alito in Test Region 3
> 00:07:19 - [CLIENT]: Close has been called for mewtwo0641 Alito attached to scene Tes
> t Region 3
> 00:07:19 - [SCENE]: Removing child agent 3557bf78-5e34-4e6c-b37c-2a5a8527e3e2 fr
> om region Test Region 3
> Region (root) #

Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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