[Opensim-users] viewer hanging up at region handshake

R.Gunther rigun at rigutech.nl
Fri Dec 14 13:59:55 UTC 2012

I see a problem here, InternalAddress is set to thats 
almost never good. Betetr is to set InternalAddress = so it 
listen to everything.

On 2012-12-14 14:31, GarminKawaguichi wrote:
> dyndns.org does not work properly with all the personal networks. It 
> is best to use your internal and external DNS in the file REGION.INI.
> As has been said above, set your ports correctly, eg with port 9000 
> for the simulator and the numerical sequence for regions (9001, 9002, 
> 9003 ...) it is preferable to set the port range 9000 to 9050 in both 
> In REGION.INI file, use an internal address ( as you said) 
> to InternalPort and an external address (as said Justin and you can 
> find it with http://www.mon-ip.com/) for ExternalHostname. Which gives 
> us ...
> [reg1]
> RegionUUID = "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555500"
> Location = "5000,4997"
> InternalAddress =
> InternalPort = 9001
> AllowAlternatePorts = False
> ExternalHostName = "82.236.xxx.yyy"
> MasterAvatarFirstName = First Name
> MasterAvatarLastName = Last Name
> MaxPrims = 15000
> RegionType = "Mainland"

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