[Opensim-users] Couple questions about master (Unhandled Packet AgentUpdate, and HTTP Inventory)

Chris mewtwo0641 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 04:57:54 UTC 2012

Hi Justin,

This started to happen just recently as soon as I started to use commit 
905d7c4 (r/21385); although I am not sure exactly when this may have 
started as I made a bit of a jump (895d28f r/20917 to 905d7c4 r/21385)

This appears to happen when there is more than one person logged in.

Did some tests in a few different variations of connectivity 
configurations (As far as which computer(s) the viewers are running on):

Have 2 Computers set up, 1 with OS and all related services running, the 
other does not have anything OS related running. Running a typical home 
network, 1 network, nothing fancy =)

1 viewer running on the non OS computer: No apparent issues
1 viewer running on the OS computer: No apparent issues

2 (or more) viewers running on the non OS computer: Shows the 
AgentUpdate packet warnings from time to time
2 (or more) viewers running on the OS computer: Shows the AgentUpdate 
packet warnings although it is noticeably a bit spammier in this 

1 viewer running on OS computer and 1 viewer running on non OS computer: 
Shows the AgentUpdate packet warnings although it is noticeably a bit 
spammier in this configuration. The viewer on the OS computer tends to 
experience network lag quite a bit when walking (i.e. The avatar drifts 
off into space for a few seconds after every few steps) while the viewer 
on the non OS computer will be able to walk around just fine but the 
warnings will still pop up in both cases.

If I set RecyclePackets = false in [PacketPool] then the issues seem to 
go away. I repeated the above tests and threw in a couple more viewer 
instances for good measure to check as well.

For the HTTP Inventory question; I set:

     Cap_FetchInventoryDescendents2 = ""
     Cap_FetchInventory2 = ""

And inventory seems to load now (very quickly I might add) for viewers 
with HTTP Inventory disabled in Debug Settings.

I did run into an exception along the way in my testing right after I 
made the changes in [ClientStack.LindenCaps]. The below stack trace came 
up (One exception per script in the item) when I detached one of my 
attachments. I am not certain if it is related to any of the above but I 
do recall that you wanted some more information on script state related 
issues so I thought this might be a good thing to add =)

Thank you!


2012-12-12 22:35:38,843 ERROR - 
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.XEngine.XEngine [XEngine]: Failed to save 
state of script AOHUD.AO v4, item UUID 14eba70e-

0bf8-4b5e-92d2-382f20eb4117, prim UUID 
74cf7aca-c5f7-4dd7-8373-9dd8620ef8af in Test Region 2.  Exception
System.AppDomainUnloadedException: The target application domain has 
been unloaded.

Server stack trace:
    at System.Threading.Thread.InternalCrossContextCallback(Context ctx, 
IntPtr ctxID, Int32 appDomainID, InternalCrossContextDelegate ftnToCall, 

[] args)
reqStmBuff, SmuggledMethodCallMessage smuggledMcm,

SmuggledMethodReturnMessage& smuggledMrm)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
msgData, Int32 type)
    at OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.ScriptBase.IScript.GetVars()
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Instance.ScriptInstance.GetVars() in 

\Instance\ScriptInstance.cs:line 919
instance) in c:\Users\admin\Desktop\opensim-905d7c4\OpenSim

\Region\ScriptEngine\Shared\Instance\ScriptSerializer.cs:line 80
assembly) in c:\Users\admin\Desktop\opensim-905d7c4\OpenSim\Region

\ScriptEngine\Shared\Instance\ScriptInstance.cs:line 961
    at OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.XEngine.XEngine.DoBackup(Object o) in 

\XEngine.cs:line 753
2012-12-12 22:35:38,890 ERROR - 
OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.XEngine.XEngine [XEngine]: Failed to save 
state of script AOHUD.Menu v1.0, item UUID

c8c29c17-048e-4abf-b650-8122f75eda26, prim UUID 
74cf7aca-c5f7-4dd7-8373-9dd8620ef8af in Test Region 2.  Exception
System.AppDomainUnloadedException: The target application domain has 
been unloaded.

On 12/12/2012 5:37 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> On 11/12/12 22:28, Chris wrote:
>> Hello every one, got a couple of questions about git master 905d7c4 
>> (r/21385).
>> I recently downloaded and compiled master and am noticing a bunch of 
>> yellow text popping up (warnings?) saying [CLIENT]:
>> unhandled packet AgentUpdate primarily when walking around but they 
>> do pop up on occasion when standing still. Is anyone
>> else seeing this?
> AgentUpdates are extremely common messages.  If you do "debug packet 
> 255" on the console you will see a constant stream of them come in 
> since they tell the server about agent movements, head rotation, etc, 
> even when you're standing completely still.
> So this must only be happening on rare occasions.  In the current code 
> this should only happen if an agent update message has somehow been 
> sent to the client port from another source but with wrong session and 
> agent IDs.
> This seems very unlikely, so I think a stronger candidate is some 
> packet pooling issue.
> So in connection with this
> 1) How recently did this start happening?
> 2) Does it happen when you are alone on a region with nobody in the 
> same or in any neighbouring regions?
> 3) What happens if you set
> [PacketPool]
> RecyclePackets = false
> ?
>> Also a quick question about HTTP inventory and more recent viewers 
>> (i.e. Firestorm, SL v3.3.x, and possibly v1.23 based
>> viewers that support it (have not tested these though)); It seems 
>> that when I have HTTP Inventory disabled my inventory
>> refuses to load up until HTTP Inventory is enabled. I prefer to keep 
>> it off because UDP inventory loads a lot quicker
>> for me and having it disabled also seems to result in more stable 
>> teleports on LL grid. Is there anyway to fix this in
>> the config files?
> On the server side, UDP inventory is always available.  You could 
> disable HTTP inventory on the server side with the instructions at [1] 
> just to be sure.  But I think a viewer bug is more likely where 
> fallback is not happening properly when HTTP inventory is disabled.  I 
> don't know if there are any viewer config values which would help in 
> this situation.
> [1] http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=6412

OpenSim: 10 Region Standalone on 0.7.5 Dev
Physics: Open Dynamics Engine
OS: Windows 7 (x64)
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 840 3.2 GHz
Memory: 11 GB DDR3
Database: MySQL 5.1.63 (x64)

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