[Opensim-users] Is there a 3D stereoscopic viewer for Opensim?

GarminKawaguichi garmin.kawaguichi at magalaxie.com
Fri Dec 7 12:51:02 UTC 2012

- There was a mention of anaglyph 3D inside the Kirsten viewer (stopped)
- If there is a development capacity, look at: 
https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2972 (I have not read all 
comments, may be you could find information there)


Le 07/12/2012 12:51, Nick Zwart - 3DLES a écrit :
> I was wondering if there is allready an OpenSim viewer that can 
> produce stereoscopic. I just received a call from someone at Epson who 
> will show a new 3D projector (beamer) for education next month on a 
> big Dutch educational fair, and they want to show the Chatterdale 
> educational content on it, which runs in OpenSim.
> I have seen Dale Glass's one http://sl.daleglass.net/ and I was 
> wondering if other wiewer builders work on this too.

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