[Opensim-users] Cleaned up freeswitch voice instructions

Chris Hart chris at reactiongrid.com
Mon Sep 26 22:28:08 UTC 2011

I've recently got Freeswitch running through a Robust shell in grid mode on
0.7.2 RC2 - I've made no changes to OpenSim core code to make this work, but
I did spend a considerable amount of time hacking around in trial and error
mode before I got it to work. I'll attempt to retrace my steps and see if I
can help others achieve a similar result!


-----Original Message-----
From: opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Justin
Sent: 26 September 2011 6:20 PM
To: Opensim-users at lists.berlios.de; opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Subject: [Opensim-users] Cleaned up freeswitch voice instructions

fyi, today I did some work on the freeswitch voice wiki page [1], clarifying
some of the instructions and adding a new section on how to actually start
up the various bits and what kind of thing you should expect to see in the

I followed these instructions through to get my Freeswitch setup working
again under OpenSim 0.7.2-rc2 on a single region standalone.  Both viewer 1
and viewer 2/3 appear to be working on standalone.  Even under Freeswitch,
Viewer 2/3 voice quality seems much better than 1, or perhaps the default is
just louder.

Unfortunately, I also confirmed the fact that Freeswitch voice for an entire
grid is not implemented, and that the instructions are misleading on that
score.  I put a warning on the top of the page rather than change it
since the grid option will hopefully be implemnted some time in the future.

However, Ai's section at the bottom suggests that even without the ability
to run the Freeswitch service component as a ROBUST grid service, it's still
possible to adjust the config in such a way that voice covers an entire
grid.  However, I don't currently have the opportunity to try or elaborate
on this.

[1] http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Freeswitch_Module

Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
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