[Opensim-users] Re freebies/suitcase

Jigs Jigs at WesternPrairie.net
Wed Nov 30 00:52:06 UTC 2011

Karen Palen wrote

 Recently I visited OSGrid by Hypergrid from my private sim and obtained
 several freebie items. They were placed in My Suitcase, and it seems
 that I can only copy the ones with copy permission when I return to my
 home grid! Worse yet, I am unable to delete anything from the folder.

 Is this intended?

 How SHOULD one visit a foreign grid and obtain/purchase things?

I don't know about a suitcase, but when I have HG tp'd to other grids and
brought back freebies to use on my sims, some make it just fine some dont
and error with an "object not found", it's neither consistant nor makes
any sense, it seems to happen at random. I believe it might have to do
with the version OS run on the "foreign" grid, Boba Solo said I could take
copies of whatever I wished on his sims and I took copies of  abunch of
items to get started with, they all appeared in inventory but soon as I tp
back home they vanished- ALL of them.
I  tried attaching and wearing items and even that didn't work.

Boba even tried personally handing me things on LBSA plaza and was unable
to, it was as though the items didnt exist except by name.
It wasn't till after he soon updated to the next newer version of OS that
taking copies and having them materialize on my sims actually WORKED. I
believe he had 0.7.1 or maybe 0.6.9 back then (around May)
It could be a communicaiton issue between the "foreign" server's asset db
and you not connecting right.

Maybe it would take connection a region TO osgrid, and taking the items
back, rezzing them and making an oar.

See me (Timber Wolfe)  in osgrid sometime and maybe I can try grabbing a
couple of the rogue items you cant get, and see if they come back with me
as a test.


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