[Opensim-users] Money in OpenSim-Worlds [was: Bitcoin]

Joshua Rubeck jrubeck1989 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 01:00:43 UTC 2011

Legal issues will pop up in everything. If we stop doing what we do for
fear of legal action then nothing will get better.

On Nov 6, 2011 7:37 PM, "Edmund Edgar" <lists at edochan.com> wrote:

> On 7 November 2011 04:18, Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I love that, you want some kind soul to code something for free so that
> you
> > can then charge others? <swoons at the logic> Ric
> Actually I'm _offering_ to code something for free (DTL/NSL
> integration with BitCoin or some other distributed currency system
> that someone might suggest) so that other people can charge each
> other. I'm then hoping that someone else would do the same to make the
> viewer work better with what I'd code, although I'm hoping it would be
> useful even if they didn't.
> I suppose there's an irony in there somewhere, but this is very common
> in free software. There's loads of free software designed to help
> people charge each other: OS Commerce, Ubercart for Drupal,
> BitCoin/Ubercart integration, BitCoin itself, the original DTL money
> server, Fumi Iseki's version of the original DTL money server, not to
> mention the whole free software stack that supports most of the
> world's e-commerce systems. The alternative would be that free
> software would have to give up and throw in the towel to proprietary
> systems for anything to do with commerce - which is also what we'd do
> if we followed your suggestion on the other thread and stayed clear of
> the whole area for fear of unspecified legal threats.
> PS. Your "Gift Exchange" is money.
> Edmund Edgar
> Founder, KK Social Minds
> Educational Technology for the Web and Virtual Worlds
> ed at socialminds.jp
> +81 090 3912 3380
> Skype: edmundedgar
> Second Life: Edmund Earp
> Linked In: edmundedgar
> Twitter: @edmundedgar
> http://www.socialminds.jp
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