[Opensim-users] Opensim-users Digest, Vol 51, Issue 3

Marcus Alexander Link manupool at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 12:04:01 UTC 2011

Hi everyone, hello Simon Slavin, Cider Jack, Edmund Edgar,

I am a vivid fan of the technology behind bitcons,
since it provides as much as possible transparency of financial

Also the idea, a user generated currency, (actually a cpu/gpu generated
is a compelling approach, which I also use in my concept for a user
generated (education/skill) currency, The Geo.

The issue i have with bitcoins is, that it will not solve the mentioned
current (and past) problem ("big banks (the 1%)"),
just the protagonists change. The early adopters of bitcoins do posses most
of the currency.
You can compare that with the first settlers who came to America, they
could claim larger areas than the following.
And just as physical land, the amount of bitcoins is limited.

Agreeing with Cider Jack, that an universal currency for virtual worlds is
I would like to ask for the possibility to implement multiple, different
approaches of currency systems,
to let the users choose their preferred one.

I propose the use of The Geo (the way Geo is created) as currency and the
technology of bitcoins.

Here some facts about The Geo:
The currency is unser generated/created by taking part in skill or
knowledge achieving activities.
It incorporates a 'Citizen's Dividend', a basic income guarantee for
unique, active participants.
It will be observed by the community, since transactions will be fully
The currency will be run by a nonprofit organization.

Here is a short draft of The Geo:

Here is a link to a website about a basic income guarantee:


P.S. "A teacher - who shares his knowledge - creates real value, value none
can take away from you,
even during an economic crisis."

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Cider Jack <ciderjack.vw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Bitcoin (or a similar system) would be ideal for OpenSim, IMO. The
> need for a "universal" virtual currency for use among virtual worlds
> is real. Bitcoin is a system already in place, with the advantages
> Edgar mentioned and some caveats such as Simon mentions as well. It's
> also already had a few other issues, including hoarding, rumors of
> theft & counterfeiting, not to mention the recent collapse in exchange
> value.
> I personally expect that a single currency that works seamlessly in
> both virtual & real world will happen eventually. It's just a question
> of when & how.
> OpenSim appears to be an ideal community to introduce a system and
> work out the bugs before taking it to the next step (into the
> real-world side of things). Decentralization is mandatory, as is
> security of course. Not easy barriers to overcome! Not to mention, the
> big banks (the 1%) that control the current real-world economy will do
> all they can to outlaw it, or discredit & destroy it as soon as it
> becomes in any way viable.
> Anyway, the idea fills me with both dread and excitement. These are
> very interesting times we are living in!
> Cheers,
> ~!CJ
> On 11/4/11, Slavin, Simon <s.slavin at lancaster.ac.uk> wrote:
> >
> > On 3 Nov 2011, at 2:35am, Edmund Edgar wrote:
> >
> >> It would be great if someone would build Bitcoin into the client so we
> >> could use it as a decentralized hypergrid currency, but it wouldn't
> >> help the OP - they want play money. Bitcoin is real money (*) - you
> >> can trade it for dollars, RAM, illegal drugs or alpaca socks.
> >
> > And in some countries you'd have to register as a bank and/or with the
> Data
> > Protection Register (because you're keeping financial details about your
> > users).  Much simpler to go with fake money.
> >
> > Simon.
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