[Opensim-users] Money In Opensim

Gudule Lapointe gudule at spekuloos.be
Thu Nov 3 01:08:48 UTC 2011

Note that, as documented, if you set BankerAvatar to "000(…)" every user can get as many money as he wants. If anyone can have as much money as he wants, is it really interesting to play with money?

It may be OK for your project.

But if you choose to limit to a single banker avatar instead, you can set a starting amount for everybody, and only the banker can "create" more money to distribute if needed.

Le 3 nov. 2011 à 01:22, James a écrit :

> Hi
> Thank you for the confirmation, I seem to have it working.
> Just for information in case anyone else is interested, this is where I have copied the files and what configuration I have altered.
> OpenSim.Forge.Currency.dll = copied to opensim-0.7.2-rc1-bin\bin
> OpenSim.Data.MySQL.MySQLMoneyDataWrapper.dll = copied to opensim-0.7.2-rc1-bin\bin
> MoneyServer.exe = copied to opensim-0.7.2-rc1-bin\bin
> Edited OpenSim.ini in section [Economy] and added
>    SellEnabled = "true"
>    CurrencyServer = "https://external_ip:8008/"
>    UserServer = "http://external_ip:8002/"
>    EconomyModule  = DTLNSLMoneyModule
>    ;; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc
>    PriceUpload = 10
>    ;; Money Unit fee to create groups
>    PriceGroupCreate = 100
> Edited MoneyServer.ini and added mysql database details and set:
> BankerAvatar = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
> Router configuration change=  open port 8008 to local pc running opensim
> The launched SecondLife client software using: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SecondLifeViewer2\SecondLife.exe" --set InstallLanguage en -loginuri http://external_ip:9000
> Regards
> James
> From: Gudule Lapointe [mailto:gudule at spekuloos.be] 
> Sent: 02 November 2011 22:04
> To: j_jamesk at hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Money In Opensim
> These folders contain sources that was used to build the .exe and .dll present in bin folder. You can just ignore them.
> Le 2 nov. 2011 à 22:25, James a écrit :
> Hi
> Thank you for the information, the only section I am unsure of is where to put the “OpenSim.Data.MySQL.MySQLMoneyDataWrapper”, “OpenSim.Forge.Currency” and “OpenSim.Grid.MoneyServer” folders, do you put them directly into the opensim “bin” directory or somewhere else?
> Regards
> James
> From: Gudule Lapointe [mailto:gudule at spekuloos.be] 
> Sent: 02 November 2011 13:10
> To: j_jamesk at hotmail.com; opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Money In Opensim
> I had success with DTL/NSL Money Module, which is intended for the same purpose (full play money functionality, without real currency exchange).
>             http://www.nsl.tuis.ac.jp/xoops/modules/xpwiki/?OpenSim%2FMoneyServer
> Le 2 nov. 2011 à 10:38, James a écrit :
> Hello Everyone,
> Sorry to bring up the topic of money in opensim but for purely educational purposes is there a way to setup money within opensim?
> I’ve had a look at a few articles via google which many of them are dated from 2008 so there out of date, and I am curious to know if anyone has a working money module/plugin that has no external value or link to paypal or any other financial system, essentially I’m after a “play money” system just so that my nephews who like to build and play in my opensim environment can have some money to play with.
> Many thanks to all
> James
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