[Opensim-users] SQL error or connection stringconfigurationerror

Gary Beck gab4gab at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 17:40:34 UTC 2011

    There was some discussion of opensim versions & mysql versions back on 
March 9-10.  It might be useful to look that over in this list's archives.

    My impression is that opensim doesn't work well with mysql versions 
starting at 5.1.55 and above unless a recent 'mysql connector' module is 

    Hope that's some help.

- Gary
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Mao" <chefmao at gmail.com>
To: <pedrocha at gmx.com>; <opensim-users at lists.berlios.de>
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 12:15
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] SQL error or connection 

Thanks...one step closer...

I got the server running (had to solve another issue with gdiplus, but 
figured that one out)...but now I have a new problem. The server is running. 
I can add accounts from the server prompt. I can see those user accounts 
reflected in the mysql database side of things...but when I attempt to 
login, I get a user not found error. I found references on the opensim site 
about migration issues with the db, and capitalization of tables 
names...tried the lower_case_sensitive=1 addition to my.cnf and lo and 
behold, it appeared to work...sometimes...but I'm not certain I was even 
editing the right copy of my.cnf, but after some start and stops of both 
servers, I could login.

So I set about to repeat the installation on my kids' computer. I get the 
same login error, but this time, when I try and apply the 
lower_case_sensitive=1 option, that errors out and mysqld won't launch. So I 
dug about more and found the option: lower_case_table_names=1 which claims 
it will drop case on both creation and lookup of table names. This seems to 
be true as I restarted the process, all new database, and I end up with all 
lower case table names. But, still no logins. I altered the setting to 
lower_case_table_names=2 which says it will leave the case as entered, but 
make sure to translate to lower case on lookups. This also seems to work in 
that it creates the database with some tables with caps in the names...ie 
UserAccounts rather then useraccounts. But I still can't login.

Now it gets even worse...I returned to my computer to see if I had something 
different on my computer than what I had on the kids' computer...and now my 
system is in the same state,...mysql is up and running, opensim is up and 
running, but all login attempts end with a user not found error.


I'm using:
mysql 5.1.56
Mac OS 10.6.6 and Mac OS 10.6.3
mono 2.10.1_3


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