[Opensim-users] Help: No Connector defined in section Friends, or failed to load, cannot continue

Clive Gould cliveg at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 12:22:54 UTC 2011


I've just solved the problem by triple checking the contents of
StandaloneCommon.ini !!!

But now I have a new problem, which I suspect is due to problems with case
sensitivity in the SQL commands used with OpenSim.

I have got round this with an install on another server using mysql-5.1.50-1
by inserting lower_case_sensitive=1 into my.cnf

If I try to add this parameter to my.cnf with mysql-5.1.55-1 then MySQL
refuses to start.

Any suggestions please??

Thanks very much

Excerpt from start up of OpenSim with a clean database is appended below:

12:14:29 - [MIGRATIONS]: Cmd was Table 'GridUser' already exists in SQL:
'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',     `HomePosition` CHAR(64) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '<0,0,0>',     `HomeLookAt` CHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '<0,0,0>',
'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',     `LastPosition` CHAR(64) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '<0,0,0>',     `LastLookAt` CHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '<0,0,0>',
`Online` CHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false',     `Login` CHAR(16) NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0',     `Logout` CHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',     PRIMARY KEY
12:14:29 - [MIGRATIONS]: An error has occurred in the migration. This may
mean you could see errors trying to run OpenSim. If you see database related
errors, you will need to fix the issue manually. Continuing.
12:14:29 - [MIGRATIONS]: Creating GridUserStore at version 1
12:14:29 - [USER GRID SERVICE]: Starting user grid service
12:14:29 - [ACTIVITY DETECTOR]: starting
12:14:29 - [LOCAL GRID USER SERVICE CONNECTOR]: Local grid user connector
12:14:29 - [SIMULATION CONNECTOR]: Local simulation enabled
12:14:29 - [LLLOGIN IN CONNECTOR]: LLLoginerviceInConnector enabled
12:14:29 - [GRIDINFO IN CONNECTOR]: GridInfo Service In Connector enabled
12:14:29 - [Concierge]: plugin disabled by configuration
12:14:29 - [VivoxVoice]: plugin disabled by configuration
12:14:29 - [SIMIAN ACTIVITY DETECTOR]: Started
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONS]: Loading region configurations from filesystem
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONSPLUGIN]: Loading region configurations...
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONSPLUGIN]: Loading specific shared modules...
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONSPLUGIN]: DynamicTextureModule...
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONSPLUGIN]: LoadImageURLModule...
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONSPLUGIN]: AssetTransactionModule...
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONSPLUGIN]: Done.
12:14:29 - [LOADREGIONS]: Creating Region: Bromley (ThreadID: 3)
12:14:29 - [LLUDPSERVER]: Average Environment.TickCount resolution: 1ms
Your region is not part of an estate.
Do you wish to join an existing estate? [no]:
12:14:38 - [APPLICATION]:
APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
Exception: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Invalid attempt to access
a field before calling Read()
  at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.GetFieldValue (Int32 index,
Boolean checkNull) [0x00000]
  at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.GetValue (Int32 i) [0x00000]
  at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.get_Item (Int32 i) [0x00000]
  at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.get_Item (System.String name)
  at OpenSim.Data.MySQL.MySQLEstateStore.DoLoad
(MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd, UUID regionID, Boolean create)
  at OpenSim.Data.MySQL.MySQLEstateStore.LoadEstateSettings (UUID regionID,
Boolean create) [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene..ctor
(OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo regInfo, OpenSim.Framework.AgentCircuitManager
authen, OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.SceneCommunicationService
sceneGridService, OpenSim.Region.Framework.StorageManager storeManager,
OpenSim.Region.Framework.ModuleLoader moduleLoader, Boolean
dumpAssetsToFile, Boolean physicalPrim, Boolean SeeIntoRegionFromNeighbor,
IConfigSource config, System.String simulatorVersion) [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateScene (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo
regionInfo, OpenSim.Region.Framework.StorageManager storageManager,
OpenSim.Framework.AgentCircuitManager circuitManager) [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.SetupScene (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo
regionInfo, Int32 proxyOffset, IConfigSource configSource,
IClientNetworkServer& clientServer) [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo
regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, Boolean do_post_init, IScene& mscene)
  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.CreateRegion (OpenSim.Framework.RegionInfo
regionInfo, Boolean portadd_flag, IScene& scene) [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.LoadRegions.LoadRegionsPlugin.PostInitialise
() [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.StartupSpecific () [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.OpenSim.StartupSpecific () [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.Framework.Servers.BaseOpenSimServer.Startup () [0x00000]
  at OpenSim.Application.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
Application is terminating: True
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