[Opensim-users] Introduction
Mimetic Core
core at odosys.net
Thu Jul 14 17:35:54 UTC 2011
Hi Garrett,
I think I recognize your name from SL. Did you have an installation on
the Columbia College sim at some point? I am an ex-faculty/staffer from
there (both SL and RL). If I'm mistaken, my apologies. Either way,
welcome to OpenSim :)
As for the culture/community, it's definitely not as 'in your face' as
SL. However, it's (a) still quite young and (b) a mixed bag of
participants with a far greater range of technical proficiency, creative
potential and sense of individuality than SL ever had. It's also more
spread out due to it's decentralized nature which generally leads to
people getting (happily) lost in their own little worlds, or at the very
least focusing their time and energy on projects they were never able to
complete before rather than community building. I have to admit, I fall
into the latter category. I'm currently working on a long-term (years?)
transmedia project that is consuming virtually all of my time and energy
allotted for OpenSim activities. As a result, 'I don't get out much'...
I think in time the community will come together in the larger sense -
when it's ready. I'm actually happy to see that it's growing at it's
own pace rather than being hastily jammed into the 'SL Clone' pigeon
hole. It may aggravate the impatient, but in the long run I think it
will be a far more thoughtful and emotionally mature community than many
of us are used to elsewhere. However, continuing to foster the
formation of groups and communities, especially for specific agendas
like education and the arts, is beneficial to the overall future of OpenSim.
I'm interested in seeing what you've set up for both your students and
your personal work and again, welcome to the frontier.
Jason / core
core at odosys.net
On 7/14/2011 7:41 AM, Garrett Lynch wrote:
> Hi All
> Never really took the time to introduce myself and this list has been
> very helpful in setting up our OpenSim regions, I know the educators
> list (https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/educators)
> are keen on introductions - it's a good idea to see what people are
> doing.
> So for my part overdue, here goes...
> I'm an artist and an academic (in that order) and have migrated over
> from Second Life where I've been very active in the arts community.
> Most recently doing a residency"
> http://www.asquare.org/works/yoshikaze-up-in-the-air-second-life-residency (see
> links below for more on what I do).
> Interested in extending my practice into OpenSim - the whole Linden
> thing just annoys me, too costly and am a big supporter of anything
> opensource as I can get my hands dirty so to speak. Very hopeful
> about the future of OpenSim, and the approach of a post alpha
> version. But I'm also keen to bring my students into OpenSim. I've
> set up a four region space, search for:
> CCI Sandbox Sim
> CCI Gallery Sim
> CCI New Media Sim
> CCI Moving Image Sim
> The regions are ready but we are still working on getting the server
> to auto restart when it crashes so bear with us. They already have
> open access sandboxs and a gallery (similar to spaces in Second Life
> like Art Nation).
> There is an ulterior motive for all of this...
> What I am a little disappointed about is the lack of overall culture
> in OpenSim which is present in Second Life, from my point of view an
> arts community, running exhibitions, performances, symposium,
> workshops etc. Groups don't seem to be as successful as they are in
> Second Life and I've not come across any mailing lists for this -
> perhaps I'm totally wrong and somebody can point some out to me?
> Any artists on this list who are looking for a culture on OpenSim?
> Anyone who wants to start getting initiates together?
> Garrett
> _________________
> Garrett at asquare.org
> http://www.asquare.org/
> http://www.asquare.org/networkresearch/
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