[Opensim-users] Strategic Issues related to OpenSim - Any questions to be investigated?

Robin Teigland robin.teigland at hhs.se
Tue Jan 11 23:20:34 UTC 2011


Do you have any strategic issues related to OpenSim that you would like to
have investigated?  I run a business strategy module in the Media Management
Course at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) and the Royal Institute of
Technology in late Jan/early Feb 2011.  As part of my course, I have the
students investigate real strategic issues in a live case component. Last
year the students interviewed avapreneurs in Second Life (avapreneur =
avatar + entrepreneur) and performed industry and competitor analyses of a
variety of industries in Second Life. Here is a write-up of the event:
urship.html. This year the focus of the live case component is Virtual
Worlds and the Gaming Industries, and as part of this, I am interested in
the students investigating issues related to OpenSim.

The students are masters students from all over the world (e.g., Latin
America, North America, Europe, Africa, Asia) and attend either the
Stockholm School of Economics or the Royal Institute of Engineering in
Stockholm. Here is more info on the course:
nagement-1.8554. I teach module 1 in this course. This year there are more
than 60 students, who will work in groups of four, there will be 15-20
groups working on a variety of issues.

So, I was wondering if you would like to have a student group work on one or
two strategic issues related to OpenSim. Here are some potential questions,
but others are welcome as long as they are of a business strategy nature:

1. Industry analysis, e.g., how profitable is the serious gaming industry
(or any other industry of relevance) in country x?
2. Competitor analysis of one or more competitors, e.g., what is the
competitive advantage of company x?
3. Trend analysis, e.g., how are the PEST (political, economic, social,
technological) trends impacting a specific industry?
4. Business model analysis, e.g., what business models are emerging in
industry x? 
5. Value network analysis, e.g., what networks are necessary in industry y?

The students prepare a powerpoint report based on their analyses and will
present them at the end of my module in the course (module 1) on February 7.
We are planning an ³Exploring Virtual Worlds and Gaming Industries Day², an
open day in which the presentations will be streamed from our classroom in
Stockholm onto the internet and onto SSE¹s island in SL.  This event will
occur from 10:15 am to 17:00 pm CET. They will also be recorded and posted
on the Nordic Virtual Worlds Network website: www.nordicworlds.net.

Please let me know if you have a strategic issue you would like to learn
more about or if you have any other questions. You may contact me directly
at robin.teigland at hhs.se.

Thank you and I hope to hear from some of you!



Robin Teigland, PhD
Associate Professor
Center for Strategy and Competitiveness
Stockholm School of Economics
Stockholm, Sweden
skype: robin.teigland
twitter: RobinTeigland
Second Life: Karinda Rhode
OpenSim: Robin Teigland

Check out NVWN - Nordic Worlds Virtual Network!  An international,
inter-disciplinary project co-funded by NICe investigating entrepreneurship
and innovation through virtual worlds and the 3D internet:


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