[Opensim-users] Any idea where to find a builder?

Wade Schuette wade.schuette at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 05:28:07 UTC 2011

Probably the best statues would be mesh, so whoever makes them for 
Second Life could equally well, possibly,
sell you one for openSim, although concern for theft may dampen their 

But, there are a number of sites that have mesh objects in various 
formats that can be transformed to collada .dae format if that's what 
you can import and show in your sim.

One is http://www.turbosquid.com
You can search it for "sculpture", to get an idea of what's out there.

Be prepared for price shock, however, as the prices are in dollars, not 
lindens, so
nice sculptures will cost you $20-$100 US.    I saw a number of what 
struck me as probably neoclassical Greek.
(Of course, I was raised as an engineer, so what do I know.)  There were 
a few that looked Babylonian too.

I don't really see how someone could custom build one for you for less 
unless they give their time away.    You may need to pay someone to get 
the formats adjusted and do the importing for you of course, but you 
have some handle on the total cost to expect.

Let me know what else you find!


On 12/30/11 8:01 PM, Katronix Serf wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the sims I'm wanting to put on my grid is a park like area, 
> that will have statues that are Greek Neo Classic in nature, anyone 
> know anyone who builds this kind of item for OS?
> Thanks,
> Kat
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