[Opensim-users] Edits to rezzed objects not persisting

missyfitz 7minarets at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 15:12:27 UTC 2011

Having the same problem in OSdiva with linksets exported from SL and
also with linksets exported from another OS (non-diva) installation. The
problem only happens with some linksets, not all, and manifests in 2 ways: a
linkset will repeatedly snap back to a different location.. a linkset will
repeatedly revert any texture modifications made to it.

I should mention that the exports were performed with Phoenix 1.5.1 (373)
and imported with same.

I'm making it a point to watch the mySQL database and seeing the time
change, suggesting that persistence data is being recorded/saved.. But on
shutdown and restart of the server, the changes have not persisted. 

I've also noticed that it's when these imported linksets are modified in
Imprudence, the reversions seem to occur more often.

Also, if I take the linkset back to inventory using Imprudence, re-rez it
and re-position it, wait 10+ minutes and shutdown the server, restart the
server, log back in with Imprudence, the changes to those linksets more
often than not do persist, but other linksets will suddenly vanish entirely. 

So for me, it seems like Phoenix is partly the problem. (I like using
phoenix at least for the export/import and positioning because I can run 2
copies side by side, and easily copy/paste the positioning data with the
built-in tools in phoenix).

But anyway, yes, same bug confirmed here with all kinds of variables and
inconsistencies though.


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