[Opensim-users] hypergrid stand alone to germangrid

Fleep Tuque fleep513 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 03:27:05 UTC 2011

Hi Paul,

As far as I know, this is correct:

0.6.9   = hg 1.0 = hg 1.5i6
0.7.1   = hg 1.5i7

The HG version is controlled by the version of Opensim you're running, so
changing Opensim versions is the only way to change your HG version - and
yes, which means at the moment there are three incompatible versions
(actually for a while I thought OSGrid was maybe a 4th?  Or maybe they were
just inaccessible to anyone.)

I frequently have the experience of Hypergridding to a new sim and actually
seeing it rez before I crash, and sometimes repeating the process works and
sometimes it doesn't.  I never fully understand what the problem is, usually
I just assume they are on a different HG version or something.

I've also never gotten the Hypergates to work on FleepGrid for some reason,
not even to what appears to be other HG 1.5 (i6) grids.  I know people can
get TO FleepGrid from compatible grids, though, so I'm assuming my set up is

I think generally HG is still in such early development that we can expect
lots of changes and lack of backwards compatibility between versions is just
the price we pay for advancement.  Hooray for the bleeding edge.  ;)


- Chris/Fleep

Chris M. Collins (SL: Fleep Tuque)
Project Manager, UC Second Life
Second Life Ambassador, Ohio Learning Network
UCit Instructional & Research Computing
University of Cincinnati
406E Zimmer Hall
PO Box 210088
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
chris.collins at uc.edu

UC Second Life:   http://homepages.uc.edu/secondlife
OLN Second Life: http://www.oln.org/emerging_technologies/emtech.php

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 11:03 PM, paul emery <pablo at lansing.com> wrote:

> Wow. 3 different versions of hg - looks a little messy. Thanks for the
> reply.
> No i have not tried to link to any regions from the console so that is not
> an issue.
> I see now that i can get to fleepgrid.com:8002 and
> hbase42.hopto.org:8002:Hyperbase42
> So i assume that they are running hg 1/5i6
> lets see is this right
> 0.6.9   = hg 1.0
> = hg 1.5i6
> 0.7.1   = hg 1.5i7
> Is there a way to see/control directly what hg version a sim will be
> running. Also what is the future hold for standardizing or should i assume
> that hg 1.5i7 is the "standard".
> Still not sure how i could get to the sim and then 5 seconds later it
> kicked
> me off.
> --
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