[Opensim-users] how to give user full admin/god powers?

Mimetic Core core at odosys.net
Fri Apr 22 02:14:27 UTC 2011

A good alternative to PHPMyAdmin which I recommend to people looking to 
poke around their databases is SQL Buddy.  It's a bit less intimidating 
as many of the functions useful mainly to power users have been stripped 
away.  It installs in a breeze and offers a clean, smooth experience.


Hope this is helpful.


On 4/21/2011 7:56 PM, William Magee wrote:
> phpMyAdmin documentation is here:
> http://www.phpmyadmin.net/documentation/
> Great front end, much easier than it looks at first.
> Bill
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Cider Jack<ciderjack.vw at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Ah thankyou, good suggestions both.
>> @BlueWall - Editing the .ini would work for me for now, it's a
>> standalone I just use as a sandbox / region builder, but I do expect
>> to be connecting (at least on occasion) to the hypergrid, so I'll have
>> to mark it in a way to remind me to set it back to the default when I
>> do that... I must take the time to look a little deeper into the .ini
>> file and see what other settings I can play with -- this may be the
>> beginning of the end! ;)
>> @Fleep - PHPmyAdmin had crossed my mind (as I am using MySQL), but I
>> wasn't sure how to get started - I'm sure it's probably pretty well
>> documented though so I shouldn't have much (if any) problem going with
>> that. And as you say, I'm sure this isn't the last time I'll want
>> direct access to the database!
>> Problem solved! :)
>> ~!CJ
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