[Opensim-users] how to give user full admin/god powers?

BlueWall jamesh at bluewallgroup.com
Thu Apr 21 14:28:45 UTC 2011

On 04/21/2011 10:10 AM, Cider Jack wrote:
> Thanks for a quick answer and solution Garmin, but this makes me feel
> utterly technically illiterate. I've never had to interact with a
> database file that wasn't a .csv or .sql -- I've got no idea how to
> open a .frm, let alone where to go from there! Once again the www
> isn't providing much help with that. Perhaps it's best if I just
> rebuild my inventory on usb me's account. Export/import Cider's builds
> when I need them, re-upload all the textures & scripts. Would be the
> quickest way at this point it seems!
> Thanks again (and thanks Fleep too, now I know where to look up the
> what when I figure out the how),
> ~!CJ

In your OpenSim.ini, set the permissions...

permissionmodules = "DefaultPermissionsModule"
serverside_object_permissions = true

then set any or all of...

region_owner_is_god = true
region_manager_is_god = true
parcel_owner_is_god = true

...depending on your situation. You don't probably don't want others to
gain that access in your regions.

See if that works for you.


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