[Opensim-users] how to give user full admin/god powers?

Garmin Kawaguichi garmin.kawaguichi at magalaxie.com
Thu Apr 21 12:37:04 UTC 2011

Open the Opensim database, select table useraccounts and set the UserLevel 
to 200

In the viewer (hippo for me) Menu Advanced,  select View Admin Options and 
select Request Admin Status


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cider Jack" <ciderjack.vw at gmail.com>
To: <opensim-users at lists.berlios.de>
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 2:11 PM
Subject: [Opensim-users] how to give user full admin/god powers?

> I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle it would seem, been doing
> lots and lots of building, uploading, etc. with a user (Cider Jack,
> natch) I created on my sim-on-a-stick, because I didn't want to work
> as 'usb me' among other things...
> So my problem is that I suddenly either need Cider's full inventory
> available to usb me, or Cider needs usb me's admin level of
> permissions, whatever level that is. Cider has Estate Mgr perms at the
> moment, but it's not nearly enough. I could download Cider's inventory
> as an IAR then upload it for usb me, but that would require manually
> rebuilding the entire folder tree of probably hundreds by now of
> folders-within-folders before uploading the IAR.
> Anyway, long story short, Cider needs full admin/god powers and I
> haven't been able to find anything online about how to grant them? Is
> there a wiki page I've overlooked or does someone know the command
> (I'm assuming it's a single line console command)?
> Can't get any more work done until I solve this problem - going nuts here! 
> :)
> Cheers,
> ~!CJ
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