[Opensim-users] Help setting up 0.7.1-dev in grid mode

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 01:12:44 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 23:45 +0200, Daniel Radu wrote:
> Good day,
> since this is my first post, I apologize in advance if the question is
> fairly stupid, but there it goes:
> i'm trying to set up 0.7.1-dev in ubuntu 10.10 in grid mode, and I'm
> quite stuck.
> I tried to follow up http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Configuration and
> configured Robust.ini to use MySql,  edited all the *URI in
> config-include/GridCommon.ini to point to my local server,
> R.O.B.U.S.T.# stats okay, modified the  Include-Architecture to point
> to "config-include/Grid.ini" and added 

You are running MySQL on localhost, instead of your server ip address?
If so, you would have it config'ed to "localhost" or and not
your network facing IP address.
20:57:37 - [OPENSIM MAIN]: Running 
20:57:37 - [DATASTORE]: Attempting to load OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll
20:57:37 - [REGION DB]: MySql - connecting: Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=XXXXXX;Password=XXXXXX;
20:57:38 - [REGION DB]: Connection wait timeout 28860 seconds
20:57:39 - [MIGRATIONS]: EstateStore up to date, no migrations to apply
20:57:39 - [MIGRATIONS]: RegionStore up to date, no migrations to apply

my data source is at localhost

Yet the data to be displayed is sent outbound via OpenSim, which serves
to, my machine's IP address. 

20:59:32 - [WORLD MAP]: JPEG Map location:
...using the fixed IP I gave myself on my localnet. OpenSim faces the
network, so it needs an IP address, known to a network. Your database
(mysql) needs only to be known by OpenSim, nor do you want anyone to
accidentally have access rights to it, so I run it as localhost. Other's
may chime in with their settings, but this works for me on Ubuntu 10.4
as I prefer that MySQL not face the network. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256 

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