[Opensim-users] Simple Question I seemed to have forgot. Makeing web maps.

Cider Jack ciderjack.vw at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 00:43:24 UTC 2011

I've found export-map doesn't seem to work with paths and when I've
tried it, it's a silent fail (no error message). It seems it only
saves in the bin directory i.e.:

export-map Shuri_Village.jpg

I could be wrong (and I hope I am)! It's a pain to have to navigate so
deep and cut/paste the files into the folder you really want them in,
instead of just being able to save them there in the first place.


On 4/4/11, InuYasha Meiji <inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com> wrote:
> Do I remember right.  Is the command to make a image of a region for a
> possible map on a web site broken.  I remeber doing it in the past using
> this:
> change region Shuri Village
> export-map c:/xampp/htdocs/Shuri_Village.jpg
> That was used in the console or the startup_commands.txt.  Either way,
> it don't seem to be producing an image.  I was hoping I wouldn't need to
> install a web front end on my standalone for just that task.
> Thanks for your time.
> InuYasha.
> --
> ________________________________________________________________
> Opensim User: Standalone Grid on Version with 49 Regions
> On Windows 7, 64-bit. Quad Core With a Terrabyte Drive, and 8gig
> Used XAMPP to load PHP Version 5.3.0, and MySQL 5.1.41-community
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