[Opensim-users] Getting started

Drew Hart drewehart at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 18:36:22 UTC 2011

Some general questions:

1.  I would like to setup a small grid - any hosting suggestions
(perhaps 2 regions to start) - I would prefer Windows?

2.  What specific Windows operating system - web, normal, 32-bit or
64-bit - that is the big question (bit)?

3.  Has anyone else used the Joomla plugin to "manage" your opensim -
just looking for feedback?

4.  If the Joomla plugin isn't quit there - what do people recommend
for the frontend to handle registration - I see there are several

Anyway, I figured I would wait until 7.1 and while it isn't out yet,
it seems like it is coming - yeah - so I thought I would rent my
server and start playing.  Also, I know some or all of this has been
addressed, but with a new major release and with as much as things
change, I also realize how dated the information gets.  Many thanks in


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