[Opensim-users] registration page

jeffersontwig at gmail.com jeffersontwig at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 18:30:30 UTC 2011

Hello, Anyone got a simple php registration system??


Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Apr 2011, at 12:05 p.m., "Tim Gildersleeve" <t.gildersleeve at bradfordcollege.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi
> I have done some searching but haven’t been able to find anything on this, I am sorry if I have missed something obvious.
> Back in 0.6 the grid servers required a send and receive key to authorise the region server to register with the grid server.   I can’t see any obvious facility for this now in Robust.   I run a small personal grid and recently moved it to another server with Robust and OpenSim.ini (with about 8 regions) running on that machine.   I kept some regions that were not often used on my existing server and changed them to connect to the Robust server on the new machine.   It all worked perfectly so that was good.. but it got me thinking.   When I set my old server to register regions on the external robust server, all I had to do was point it to the address.  I didn’t have to put in any key to sell the Robust server who I was.   Apart from the security via obscurity of people not guessing the address of my Robust server, anyone could register any regions on this it seems.
> There must be more to it than this, what am I missing?
> Regards
> Tim Gildersleeve
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