[Opensim-users] NAT & Corporate Firewall

Diva Canto diva at metaverseink.com
Tue Apr 5 01:26:23 UTC 2011

On 4/4/2011 9:22 AM, Fleep Tuque wrote:
> Indeed, thanks to everyone for the help.  We're investigating the 
> possibility of a "virtual NIC" sitting outside the campus firewall 
> since there doesn't appear to be any easier way to resolve the issue, 
> but I'm not sure yet how that will work or if we'll get approval from 
> the security dragons.  ;)

That seems a lot more complicated than it ought to be. Your logs showed 
a firewall issue, not an external host name issue. Make sure you are 
solving the right problem.

> Out of curiosity, is there a reason why the DNS resolution is done at 
> the server for the UDP region handshake instead of sending the 
> hostname to the client as seems to be done with the TCP traffic?   I'm 
> guessing it can't be an easy thing to change or someone probably would 
> have done by now..

DNS resolution is made by the client. The server simply passes the name 
over. Make sure to use domain names consistently in all configuration files.

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