[Opensim-users] MapImageModulele = Warp3DImageModule

Ai Austin ai.ai.austin at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 09:52:22 UTC 2010

 From JustinCC's Blog...
    * Melanie ported the Warp3D map tile renderer from omfOS.  This 
produces main map tiles of higher quality than the current 
rendered.  However, it is still considered experimental.  If you want 
to try it then set MapImageModule = Warp3DImageModule in the 
[Startup] section of OpenSim.ini (cb6e403).
Looks very nice.  I activated it on the Openvue Grid to test it out. 
What are the alternatives (or the default?) for MapImageModule?

I wonder if a section can be added to the new style 
OpenSim.ini.example for this?

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