[Opensim-users] greetings

Ideia Boa ideiaboa at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 18:54:07 UTC 2010

  Welcome Pathfinder to the OpenSim community!

Joao Lopes aka Ideia Boa
WorldSimTerra Grid

On 11-10-2010 5:53, John "Pathfinder" Lester wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've recently joined this list and just wanted to say hello and
> introduce myself.
> > From 2005-2010 I worked at Linden Lab, where I was known as
> "Pathfinder Linden."  My focus was on educational uses of Second Life
> and supporting the community of academics and teachers.  Linden Lab
> laid me off back in March.
> I've started using Opensim recently, and I think the future
> possibilities of this platform far exceed anything else that's out
> there.  I want to help make that future happen, specifically for
> educators and academics interested in an open source and truly
> interconnected virtual world.
> If you'd like to read more about my thoughts about virtual worlds and
> Opensim, please take a look at my blog:
> http://becunningandfulloftricks.com
> Take care,
> -John "Pathfinder" Lester
> ----------------------------
> John E. Lester
> Mobile: 617 910 0386 | Twitter: @Pathfinder
> Blog: http://becunningandfulloftricks.com
> “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood,
> divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the
> vast and endless sea.”  -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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