[Opensim-users] Any way to recompile LSL scripts from the command line, or create an OAR from scripts in SVN?

Edmund Edgar lists at edochan.com
Thu Nov 25 07:37:59 UTC 2010

I've got a fairly big set of objects for my project (Sloodle),
containing lots of LSL scripts. Some of these scripts are shared
between lots of different objects. The LSL scripts are all checked
into a Subversion repo, but we distribute an .oar file to our end
users containing objects with the scripts in them. I'd like a way to
automatically publish the scripts from Subversion into the .oar file,
to save time and make sure that when I distribute an .oar or .iar, all
the objects contain the version of the script that I've got in the

The process I have so far is:
1) Each LSL script has a comment in it saying where it lives in the repo.
2) I have an .oar file containing all the objects, which in turn
contain LSL scripts.
3) I have a shell script that will untar the .oar file, copy over the
latest versions of all the LSL scripts into it then tar it back up
4) Having run my shell script on the .oar file, I can make a release
with all the right scripts as follows:
  a) Load the .oar file into OpenSim
  b) Rez each of the objects in the .oar file
  c) Manually compile each of the scripts using the viewer so that
their compiled code matches the uncompiled LSL code.
  d) Save them back into the inventory of the object that originally
contained them (we distributed lots of objects from inside one master
  e) Save back out to a new .oar file, which I can distribute to our users.

That's good as far as it goes, but 4b and 4c are still quite laborious
manual tasks, and I'd like to automate them.

Does anyone know of a way to automate steps 4b/4c? For example, if I
could force OpenSim to recompile each of the scripts from the LSL
source when it loads them, that would be a great help. (I'd hoped it
would do this by default when I loaded an .oar, but it seems to be
getting the compiled code from the .oar file somewhere.)

If I could compile each script in the .oar file from the command line
and saved the compiled code back to the .oar file, that would be even

Alternatively, can anyone suggest an easier way of getting the LSL
scripts from Subversion into an .oar or .iar file?

Edmund Edgar
Founder, KK Social Minds
Educational Technology for the Web and Virtual Worlds

ed at socialminds.jp
+81 090 3912 3380
Skype: edmundedgar
Second Life: Edmund Earp
Linked In: edmundedgar
Twitter: @edmundedgar

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