[Opensim-users] trying to set up freeswitch

Olli Aro olli_aro at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Nov 17 18:21:48 UTC 2010

Hi Gregor,

I assume your freeswitch configuration in OpenSim.ini also refers to IP

You say that is a public IP address. Is your server directly on the internet
or behind a NAT. 

If you behind a NAT you possibly cannot use the public IP address for local
communications. You could test this by:

telnet 9000

and then see if you get the same response as when you do:

telnet localhost 9000



-----Original Message-----
From: opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Gregor Mendle
Sent: 17 November 2010 17:51
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] trying to set up freeswitch

Thank you all very much for all your posts,

For testing, I am running everything in my home computer, a linux box
(ubuntu 10.4)

I followed the instructions by Ai, changed all references to my public IP to
the numbers instead of the public name of my computer. I started FreeSwitch
first and ignored the

[ERR] mod_xml_curl.c:304 Received HTTP error 0 trying to fetch........
as suggested by Venkatesh

then started robust and then opensim.

The sim console show now messages suggesting that the freeswitch module is
working. When an avatar enter the region the following FreeSwitch messages
appear on the sim region console:

18:25:30 - [FreeSwitchVoice]: OnRegisterCaps: agentID
cde977b3-43c6-45ea-9d32-ff88702474a9 caps


18:25:34 - [FreeSwitchVoice]:[PROVISIONVOICE]: request: <llsd><undef
18:25:34 - [FreeSwitchVoice]:[PROVISIONVOICE]: avatar "R2 D2":
18:25:34 - [FreeSwitchVoice]: FreeSwitchSLVoiceGetPreloginHTTPHandler called
18:25:34 - [FreeSwitchVoice]: FreeSwitchSLVoiceGetPreloginHTTPHandler
return <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
18:25:34 - [FreeSwitchVoice]: FreeSwitchSLVoiceSigninHTTPHandler called
18:25:34 - [FreeSwitchVoice]: AUTH, URI: /api/viv_signin.php,
18:25:34 - [FREESWITCH]: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"
?><response xmlns="http://www.vivox.com"
xsi:schemaLocation= "/xsd/buddy_list.xsd"><level0>

My public IP address, acccesible from the Internet, appears in the places
when i put

In the viewer (imprudence), in World->Region/Estate-> Allow voice Chat is

In the About Land->Media-> enable voice is also checked

but voice is not working, the talk button is disabled and in
edit->preferences->Voice chat->Device Settings a message telling:

"Please wait" appears next to the slider at the bottom of the dialog.

There is no activity in the FreeSwitch console. I don't know it this is the

But as suggested by Teravus, i will don't give up!

Regards and thanks again,

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