[Opensim-users] Opensim-users Digest, Vol 39, Issue 21

Adam Farrugia uqafarru at fdn.uq.edu.au
Mon Nov 15 23:39:51 UTC 2010

Hi Harri (and others struggling with groups), what version of OpenSim are you using and what platform are you running it on?
Me, I first got group functionality going (with some struggle!) 0n 0.6.9 (Grid Mode) and have had it going on all releases since.
I am using Ubuntu Server 10.4 running LAMP for Apache, MySQL, PHP. 
I found the quickest and dirtiest way to get groups going in this environment (funnily enough) was to install moodle and then the "modlos" block as that block has the flotsam group implementation "built in". You then only need to configure the groups parameters in moodle and also in OpenSim.ini and it works like a charm :) Implementing groups in this way is overkill if you are not in an educational environment or don't need any kind of Learning Management System, but it does work :)
I am about to migrate my grid services over to Windows because of some specific troubles we've had with mono's memory management capabilities and this will of course require re-implementing groups- NOT looking forward to that, for all the reasons of which you are all way to aware ;)  When I get it going successfully, I'll write down the exact steps and pass it on to all through here.


Adam Farrugia

Message: 5
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 20:35:15 +0200
From: Harri Nyman <harri.nyman at shadecorp.net>
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Implementing Groups
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Could someone *please* come up with cookbook-level instructions how to get
groups working? I've been hitting my head into stone wall for weeks with
this, and I do have distinct feeling I'm not alone..

....remember, to some of us even git is totally mythical creature...

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