[Opensim-users] avatar as a cloud wanted

Ovi Chris Rouly maelzel at ieee.org
Mon Nov 8 13:40:40 UTC 2010


Big thanks for not making me feel like an idiot!!!

If I just strip-off then, the avi just goes naked... this does not force a "go back to particle cloud" appearance.

In fact quite often and even on my closed network, a sporadic "failure to update appearance" among the avatars results in one or more of the avis "not" seeing/sharing all of the other avis' skins data.  Thus, some random,  spatially distributed group may be rendered as particle cloud(s) at any time.  At other times, they are just fine and all are visible.  At all times though, each avi has had skin and body feature shaping confirmed as visible at least once.  These issues occur whether the avis are in the same region or in the same Stand-alone Sim.

I have always attributed this to a the OS / SL Viewer system to not force-feeding data across the network.

Sometimes "time" will clear up the issue.  But, sometimes I have to wait for the "offending" avis to literally bump into each other in order for them to share skin and appearance data.   Other times ... hours to days ... a few avis remain as particle clouds even though their feet/buttocks leave shadowy depression moving about on the terrain for all the other avis in the Sim to sense/see and render.

Oh, yes, I'm the only human in my Sim.  So, I don't offend easily <wink>.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marcus Alexander Link 
  To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de 
  Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 8:09 AM
  Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] avatar as a cloud wanted

  Hi Chris,
  actually a great idea for the default avatars (diva).
  You need to get rid of the clothes (maybe attachments too), since the cloud was a protection - to not offend/embarrass people/yourself via a naked avatar ^^


  On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Ovi Chris Rouly <maelzel at ieee.org> wrote:


    Don't laugh... I would like the choice to have my avatar appear as particle
    "cloud."  What do I have to do?



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