[Opensim-users] Having trouble with people logging in to OS from outside my network.

Chris Kennedy mewtwo0641 at cox.net
Sun May 30 05:45:29 UTC 2010

Okay. I tried a few things earlier with a friend of mine who's outside 
of my LAN.

I set ExternalHostName to (Windows Computer IP) with no luck
         Tried (I can't even log in from LAN when it is set 
to this)
         Tried my WAN IP (70.xxx.xxx.200 number)

Tried changing my computer's LAN IP to some other address and updating 
my router's port range forwarding and Regions.ini accordingly
Deleted all the port forward and port range forward settings leaving 
just the one for OpenSim available and active
Tried DMZ again, didn't work, turned it back off.
Rebooted router and modem

I also thought maybe the fact that I had more than one NIC (VirtualBox 
adapters due to having VBox virtual machine installed) might have had 
something to do with it, so I uninstalled it, rebooted my computer and 
made sure that the only NIC left in the list was my computer's hardware 
NIC; but this didn't seem to help either.

Also uninstalled some other programs that affect my computer network 
wise to no avail.

Checked again with http://canyouseeme.org while OpenSim is running (on 
port 9000) and it indeed sees the service still.

While it will connect, it just doesn't want to get past region handshake 
for some reason (for users outside my LAN). It hangs at region handshake 
then eventually gives a can't connect error.

Here is what I see when someone tries to login outside my LAN:

2010-05-30 00:21:16,203 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Services.LoginService [LOGIN BEGIN]: 
XMLRPC Received login request message from user 'XXX' 'Radikal'
2010-05-30 00:21:16,203 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Services.LoginService [LOGIN]: XMLRPC 
Client is Second Life Release, start location is last
2010-05-30 00:21:16,218 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Client.Linden.LLStandaloneLoginService [LOGIN]: Authenticating 
XXX Radikal
2010-05-30 00:21:16,265 INFO  - OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene 
[USERLOGOFF]: Got a logoff request for 
1329fa67-0a2a-4fa4-80df-b5e6e999e3cc but the user isn't here.  The user 
might already have been logged out
2010-05-30 00:21:16,265 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Services.LoginService [LOGIN]: XMLRPC 
User XXX Radikal is already logged in, not notifying user, kicking old 
presence and starting new login.
2010-05-30 00:21:16,312 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Services.InventoryService.InventoryService [INVENTORY SERVICE]: 
Getting inventory skeleton for 1329fa67-0a2a-4fa4-80df-b5e6e999e3cc
2010-05-30 00:21:16,328 INFO  - 
OpenSim.Client.Linden.LLStandaloneLoginService [LOGIN]: Telling Monte 
Cristo @ 1000,1000 ( to prepare for client 
2010-05-30 00:21:16,328 INFO  - OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene 
[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Monte Cristo told of incoming root agent XXX 
Radikal 1329fa67-0a2a-4fa4-80df-b5e6e999e3cc (circuit code 84931925, 
teleportflags 128)
2010-05-30 00:21:16,328 DEBUG - 
OpenSim.Framework.Communications.UserManagerBase [USER AUTH]: Verifying 
session 4a498a08-0b29-215c-fb46-d96d01596371 for 
1329fa67-0a2a-4fa4-80df-b5e6e999e3cc; current  session 
2010-05-30 00:21:16,328 DEBUG - OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene 
[CONNECTION BEGIN]: User authentication returned True
2010-05-30 00:21:16,343 INFO  - OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene 
[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region Monte Cristo authenticated and authorized 
incoming root agent XXX Radikal 1329fa67-0a2a-4fa4-80df-b5e6e999e3cc 
(circuit code 84931925)

It hangs there (presumably while on region handshake) then eventually 
gives the user an error that it can not connect.

----Original Message----

Hi, I am having a little bit of trouble with people trying to log into 
my OS server from outside my network. I can log into it fine from any 
computer on my LAN but when someone tries to access it from WAN they get 
as far as the region handshake and it dies on them.

Here is the Regions.ini setup

[Monte Cristo]
RegionUUID = bf4a1f26-f6f2-4871-bbf5-3620e8a39872
Location = 1000,1000
InternalAddress =
InternalPort = 9000
AllowAlternatePorts = False
ExternalHostName = 70.XXX.XXX.200 (actual full address is in the ini 
file, just middle two octets hidden here for privacy)
MasterAvatarFirstName = Chris
MasterAvatarLastName = Kennedy
MasterAvatarSandboxPassword = lolpassword

This works perfectly fine when I run OpenSim from my Linux box (I can 
log in and others can login outside my LAN just fine), but using this 
same setup on my Windows computer it hangs at region handshake for 
people outside my LAN (I can log in fine and all works fine as long as 
it is a computer within my LAN). There is no apparent difference in 
OpenSim setup except for the fact that it is on Windows instead of 
Linux, and a different LAN IP address.

I have made sure to forward the OpenSim ports to the appropriate LAN IPs 
on my router for both my Linux and Windows system. My database 
connectors in OpenSim.ini are correct, MySQL has the database and 
database user with privileges set to the opensim database. My firewall 
is set to allow OpenSim on all ports (even tried disabling my firewall 
completely). I've checked my hosts file and it is redirecting localhost 
to if that is useful info...

I am really at a loss on this... Any insight on this would be much 

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