[Opensim-users] change masculine

Chris Kennedy mewtwo0641 at cox.net
Tue May 4 12:36:17 UTC 2010

Make a new body parts "Shape" in your inventory first and wear that, 
then you should be able to make changes to your appearance. It wouldn't 
hurt to also create a new Hair, Skin, and Eyes as well for further 
editing :)

Hope this helps

On 5/4/2010 7:10 AM, ????? ????? wrote:
> I'm new to OpenSim, We are doing a project in second life for 
> e-learning. While through we met a problem that By default we have 
> only a female avatar. when I'm try to change the gender of avatar. 
> there is a small box and radio button for Male/Female in Appearance 
> from Edit menu.
> But.., in my interface those radio buttons were disabled, then how can 
> i change the gender of avatar.? or how can i enable these buttons.? 
> Although I try it both hippo viewer 6 and Secondlife Viewer 2. but i 
> couldnt., please help me to solve this problem.
> And also i wish to know that cant we select the gender of avatar when 
> we create the user.
> Thank you
> -- 
> Dinuka Thilanga
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