[Opensim-users] Wiki Search at opensimulator.org

Teravus Ovares teravus at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 06:34:14 UTC 2010

You are not alone.

At this point I recommend that you use google to search the wiki until
this gets fixed.    The way Lucene is configured..   isn't helping the
situation at the moment.  It's been this way for about 5 months.

If you have some experience with Lucene, maybe you can help.



On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Marck <marck00 at nexgo.de> wrote:
> The search function of the wiki at http://opensimulator.org never did and
> still does not work for me. If I need to find anything, then I am using a
> Google query in combination with the "site:opensimulator.org" term. Am I
> doing something wrong? Is anybody else able to successfully use the wiki
> search?
> In case this is not the right place to discuss this, I also posted this in
> the wiki itself, on http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Talk:WikiStructure.
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