[Opensim-users] OpenSim Toolkit Demo
Dan Schneppenheim
djschnepp at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 22:56:45 UTC 2010
hey. when you get a chance send me the ini file to attach to sim world. and if you know the cords of where you would like me to place my self let me know.
On Feb 13, 2010, at 10:38 AM, John Mieske wrote:
> Ok guys, I slapped this demo together to kinda give you an idea of what i'm working on as a side project. Its going to evenutally make INI files for you by the choices you make.
> http://johnmieske.org/OpenSimToolkit.exe
> thoughts are welcome.
> --
> John Mieske
> http://johnmieske.org
> Space Grid Station
> "Religion - The art of killing people to prove who's imaginary friend is better."
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