[Opensim-users] SL Viewer 2.4.0 and Grid List

Ai Austin ai.ai.austin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 10:16:41 UTC 2010

>From: Justin Clark-Casey <jjustincc at googlemail.com>
>I was quite interested to hear about this.  But when I asked around 
>nobody was aware of such a thing in 2.4.  A link to
>any information would be much appreciated, Austin.
>From: Jor3l Boa <jor3l at foravatars.com>
>You mean select between Aditi and Agni?

Yes, sorry to raise the excitement level :-)
I just meant that the SL 2.4.0 new release viewer now offers an 
option directly in Preferences -> Advanced to select if you want to 
show the "grid list" when the viewer starts.  So I assumed the list 
must be specified somewhere, and that PERHAPS it was in a form we 
could use to give a grid name and loginuri.  I could not though find 
the file that contains the viewer grid list to check this. Anyone 
know where it is and if it might be able to be used for OpenSim?

Note also that the Preferences 0-> Advanced also now lets you tick a 
box to say you want multiple viewers to be able to run on one system 
rather than having to add the "--multipl"e parameter to theviewer 
startup script/shortcut. 

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