[Opensim-users] New official list for educators in opensim

Adam Farrugia uqafarru at fdn.uq.edu.au
Tue Dec 21 22:44:47 UTC 2010

.>Is it possible for a second Open Simulator list -- for the Open Simulator educators to discuss virtual world applications (or an OSEdApps list) to be created and hosted on >the http://opensimulator.org site?

>Thank you for considering the above,
>Kay McLennan
>School of Continuing Studies, Tulane University http://www.tulane.edu/~kmclenna

That is a great idea, Kay- if SL is anything to go by, educators will continue to flock to opensim and is a user group significant enough to warrant it. The devs might not want to manage another list but I think it would positively enhance the profile of opensim generally by such a list being part of the "official" channels. It would be an opportunity for growth for everyone :)

Adam Farrugia
PIER Virtual

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